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My Creation

These are a few pics of my car and the creation of the Beretta GTX. I started on this project about one year and 7 months ago and it is almost done!!!! The only trouble I have had is trying to find 1st gear and fourth gear. the tranny I am useing is the 4T65-E and it is all electrical. very complicated."note" I recomented useing the 4t60-e if you decide to do this project. Its somewhat like the 4t65-e but not as strong, also they where in berettas' that had 3100V6s' bolted up to them.

Well have you??

This sticker kinda has a story behind it. The bad ass people from Thrasher gave me this sticker so I could get a laugh out of it. GM vrs Ford you know. Well when i put it on the next day and was heading to a graduation party I stopped by my friends house. 5.0 mustang 5 speed with alittle work done to it. He saw the sticker and had to race me so we started from a 25mph rolling start since i dont have 1st gear. So we took off. he started in 1st and i still pulled on him from the begining till the time i let off. I got him by about 5 car lengths or so. Kinda funny though becuase i got out and just pointed and smiled.

Picture of the motor

Pretty clean but i still have alot of work to do.

Pic of my car