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Help me a future small farmer........

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I have been struggling most of my life to save for a farm. I know am unemployeed and stuggling just to live. I use my mothers computer to put out this plee for help. I ask you to help my dream come true. If everyone gave a little then we would be on our way. This is what my little piece of paradise would be. A little house sitting on a acreage with different kinds of chicken breeds raising there chicks. I would sell the chickens as pets for you to either show or to just have around your place to clean it up. I would also have some horses to train and then sell them. I would have a barn a lot like my grandpa's. A big white one with room for the Dairy cows. I would let 4H kids come over and learn all about farm animals and ride my horses. I would pick a calf every year for the kids to raise and see how it turns out. I would have a dog on the place to watch it and play with. I would also have sheep to make wool to warm the worlds people. Farming is in my blood please help me with a simple contribution to my dream.

My Favorite Web Sites

The Poultry Information Exchange - Farm & Chicken Message Board
Breeds of Livestock - Oklahoma State University
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!
