Paul Gamino's Parlor Rollers

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Out And About At the 
Great Western

Group Shot at the Great Western All Breed Show

From Left to Right: Paul Gamino, Fred Thoelke, Robert "Bob" Nolan, Ron Caruso, Don Ouellette, Russ Angulo, and Johnny Ajlouni

View of the show room floor at the Great Western (GW)

Parlor Roller section.

73 Parlor Rollers were in the show Oct 2001

Another view of the show room floor.

Those are all Parlor Rollers in the first row. The row behind the Parlors is flying rollers.

Getting the word out about the American Parlor Rollers Association

The three adults from right to left:

Ron, Russ, and yourstruly... watch one of my Parlors perform

Johnny Ajlouni rolls first at the GW

Russ Angulo rolls second

Yours truly (Paul Gamino) rolls next.

See that pole in the middle of our course? Not a good idea to roll in a place with a large poll in the middle. If anybodies Parlor Roller is going to roll into the poll... it will be your bird!

Russ Angulo and Ron Caruso get to do all the work putting in some leg work

Ron is in the distance marking my Almond cock that just rolled a little over 155'

Bob Nolan steps up to the line

Bob is checking band numbers and Don Ouellette (Second from the right) waits for his turn to roll some good ones

Bob is looking for the path of least resistance!

Bob taking in the view of all the fine Parlor Rollers being rolled that day

Don Ouellette steps up to the line to roll some of his long rolling Parlor Rollers

Russ's Photo Box... What a great idea for after the shows

Ron Caruso's Parlor Tumblers (Not Rollers)

Ron Holding one of his babies he got from Bill Mustin (a.k.a) the "Dominator"

To your left an Almond colored Cock band number 23 which was the 2001 Great Western Grand Champion, that rolled 155' 6". Bred and performed by Paul Gamino.

Photo taken by Mr. Russ Angulo in his photo box right after the roll.

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