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Arctic Entertainment


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  • what's on you mind?
    Hmmm... people talk 'bout the weirdest things on this!

    sitey stuff

    Welcome to Demon Wings and it's first framesless layout.
    I am your webmisstress cilisos and I invite you to enjoy my site and everthing on it.
    Ofcourse if you have any comments besure to email me and express your thoughts. Or just sign my guestbook to let me know how you're doing and what do you think.

    *Warning* to keep the popups from bother you just minimize them and when you exit my site just close em. That way you can surf from page to page without the popups in you cursor's way.

    *** start ***

    July 22 2002:
    WARNING: angelfire has screwed me over!!!
    Originally yo uget 50MB of spacem but now they've changed it to only 20MB. Meaning I was way over, so I had to delete a few of my content. I tired to delete the less viewed items, so the good ones are still here. I don't know bout the mp3s though.
    Anyways I don't know when the delete items will return. I think I'll probably just moved my whole site AGAIN!
    Also I'm sorry so say I'll be updating good old Demon Wings less. Or at least until I finish my new site and have it going up on my new domain. So don't be surprise or shocked at teh lack of updates. Think of it as a short hiatas.
  • new enter pic, once again done by Yami of Yamiza
  • a new worthy gundam wing link in link section
  • fixed a few broken links, thanks to those ppl wjo emailed bout em to me
  • had to delete a few of the content due to angelfire's decision to take away 30MB of my space!
    So take care ya all, and don't forget to check back. Watch out for the next version of Demon Wings... Popup and bannerless!

    June 30 2002:
    Okay I've been delaying this for far too long, here's an update to feast on. Also I havenn't scanned any of the manga yet,cause you wanna know why? I don't wanna! Actually the scanner isn't working and I'm, too pig-headed to ask the old man to help me! So just be happy with this. After all this will probably me teh only update before mu summer school.
  • updated the seiyuu section with more roles they played
  • whole bunch of final fantasy gifs, from ffIV to ffx to ff tatics
  • new section: final fantasy wallpapers from ffVII to ffXI
  • more of my final fantsay oekakie art
  • more unique guest art
  • updated the info about me, if anyone actually reads that

    May 12 2002:
    Okay first thing's first... gotta save my whole site back onto my comp, before I can do any REAL updating and scanning. So there is still plently of time to vote for your manga of choice. Though for now here's some more art.
  • split "my oekakie art" into 2 different sections: "older" & "newer"
  • loads more talented guest art in it's section

    April 28 2002:
    Yeah! I got a new oekakie board! It has english intructions on it, so it's easier to use! So visit and draw on my empty board @

    April 21 2002:
    Just as a warning to you all: I'm gonna be "fixing" my comp. So I can't get to scanning or oekakie drawing till it's done. So a heads up an lack of future updates. Give me a week and I should be set!

    April 19 2002:
    Argh sorry for not updating in a while, blame it on the schooling system... why the f*ck do we need so many tests and projects... argh... (I NEED a rants page!)
    I've decided to leave the poll up for another week. Not alot of people are taking the time to vote. Plus we're at a draw between me scanning "episode zero" and "endlss waltz". So come on people and vote! The result of the poll decided which series of gw manga I scan out in full!
  • new gw and misc comicbooks scans
  • improved gw "comics" section and added over 25 new sd comics
  • improved "my art section", neater and more of my art
  • more guests' art

    April 6 2002:
    After a week of polling here are the results of the scan poll... (drumroll)
    1st: gundam wing manga scans
    2nd: dragonball manga scans
    3th: you decide (meaning I decide)
    4rd: dragonballz movie 12 artbook
    5th: evagelion manga
    and the rest recieved no votes or a little.
    Now for the real updates, if you can call em that...
  • more of my art
  • more guests' art
  • now the new poll is to see which series of gw manga you want scanned

    *** finish ***

    Demon Wings' enter page picture was brought to you by Shini of YaMiZa. To see more of her works visit her site.