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Aunt Dachsie

" Aunt Dachsie !! "

" Advice for the distraught dachshund!!"

~ Aunt Dachsie ~ "Dear Abby" of Dachshunds!! ~

    Ask Aunt Dachsie !!!get this gear!

    "Dear Aunt Dachshie"
    Hello there, Would you be able to recommend a reputable breeder in the Maryland/Virginia area? I have a two year old female I would like to breed. My neighbors and friends would love to have one of Daisy's puppies and it sure would help out with college expenses. Thanks
    Looking for Love on the East Coast

    Dear Looking for Love ,
    Well,,HHhhhmmm now let me just think a minute,,,, nope don't rightly know of anyone off hand --however I do have a couple of pointers for you to try #1)Go into yahoo search and look through the various clubs for dachshunds -- usually they'll have a list showing members by state/region ---#2) Try or search for dachshund breeders online #3) I would heavily consider the prospect of buying a male of your own --just from experience, a stud fee runs anywhere from the price of a pup --(normally $250. at the very cheapest and normally way beyond)or some breeders will trade services for the pick of the litter. However, you must make sure the stud has had all his shots and isn't capable of transmitting disease to your pet --doesn't have a history of back,eye, or temperment problems. Buyers are also more apt to purchase when both parents are present. For the cost of your male puppy his repeated services after the age of 1yr. old are well worth your oringinal purchase price -- you would have your money tenfold within 2yrs. tops -- thanks for writting and let me know how you get along.
    Love,Aunt Dachsie

    Have questions about your dachshund? Need advice on your weenie? Ask "Aunt Dachsie !!"