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I'm sure we've all played Super Mario World for the SNES right? Most of us have probably beaten it too. A lot of people have beaten it, I'm sure. Here's a question: Why? Your answer is probably "because it's easy." Very easy for most of us. If you haven't played this game yet, you definitaly should. The gameplay's great and it's fun. But the problem is, is that when you've beaten it, you've got nothing left. Unless of course you didn't get 96%(max). Then you think "that's a shame. What a good game, I wish I could somehow get more of it." Well, with the great help of Fusoya's Lunar Magic (mario hacking tool) you can now play edited levels. This is how "Ultimate Mario World" was made. This game is much different from the original. No more having 60, 70, or ridiculiously high lives or having such easy and straightfoward levels. This game is much, much harder than the original. You're probably thinking "sure, anyone can make a game harder, but that doesn't make it better." I've listed some points proving how UMW is better than SMW (and how SMW is better than UMW).

Things new in Ultimate Mario World:

  • More challenge
  • More variety of sprites and objects throughout each level
  • More levels with hidden shortcuts and secrets
  • Longer levels
  • More levels with alternate paths
  • More challenging bonus level
  • Dragon Coin's are harder to find/get



    Known bugs (working on fixing them, if you find a bug that's not listed, please email me at

  • Some sprites screw up in graphics or become invisible
  • If you don't beat the bonus stage, you have to do the regular stage over again (and there's no way to beat the bonus stage).
  • Sometimes for no apparant reason the music or sfx might stop or screw up.
  • For no apparant reason, the game might crash. This rarely happens.
  • Some parts are actually too hard (for example, the key to get to the green switch palace is nearly impossible without save states).



    The latest version out is 0.3, the levels are edited all the way to the first level in the Vanilla Dome. The secret shortcut in Donut Land has been disabled for now, until I edit the shortcuts.


    Ultimate Mario World 0.3

    If you want a non-zipped version for some reason, email me.
    Also, if you can't get past the levels, and you really want to see them all, email me and I'll send you my save file.

    Note: You must have an emulator to play this. Go get one at

    Other note: You might want to save your state often, but not too often, cuz that's cheating. It's okay for something like, getting the key to the green switch palace, or right before a hard part.

    Coming soon: An easier version. This version will be for the people struggling with my regular version. The easier version won't change much, just more mushrooms, flowers, feathers, and some more platforms for you to land on.

    Difficulty rating scale:

    1 - These levels are as easy as the original, if not, easier.
    2 - These levels are easy too, and shouldn't give you much trouble.
    3 - These levels are easy. You might break a sweat if you're not very good, but don't expect to lose any lives.
    4 - You might lose a life or two, but you'll get the hang of it quick.
    5 - About your average level. Don't worry if you die, just come up with a method to beat it.
    6 - These can be tough, come prepared with Yoshi, a feather, or something useful.
    7 - These are the hard levels. Expect to lose some lives, be frustrated, and go through many methods before you beat this one.
    8 - These levels will give you lots of trouble. Use plenty of save states for these.
    9 - These levels will seem unbelieveable at first, but when you find a method, you should see the way.
    10 - These are the hardest levels of the game. If you can beat these levels, you know you're an expert.
    Level Descriptions:
    Level Number Level Name Difficulty 1 out of 10 Description
    Intro World War II 2 Mario the war hero makes his dashing entrance! Easy and straightfoward level. If you can beat this, you know you're ready for Ultimate Mario World.
    1-1 Ruins 1 The goal is right at the beginning, just climb up the vine. If you're looking for lives, then try to get the end. If you manage you'll get a couple of extra lives.
    Yellow Switch Palace Yellow Switch 2 Jump from block to block over the hot lava. When you get to the part where you can't see anymore blocks, look very closely. See it? After that, the switch will appear. It won't look like the switch though. Hit the hidden block and you have to jump ON TOP of it. If you fail, you'll fall to your death. By the way, the yellow switch must be activated to advance through some of the levels.
    1-2 Spring Breeze 1 Not changed much from the original, this level is still very easy. If you're really good, go in the tunnel and try to get that 3-up moon.
    1-3 Need 4 Speed 4 You have to be quick for this level. It's better to go through the bottom passage than the top. At the part where there are two flying hammer brothers, you have to be quick. Get the two mushrooms and jump on top of the first hammer brother. Get the falling mushroom if you got hurt and jump on top of the other one. After that, if your big, hurt yourself so your small. Then get the star, and the rest is yours.
    1-4 World War III 5 Although another war is waging, there are no bullets or bombs. Looks like Bowser is attacking by sea. An army of fish, mines, and kamikaze turtles make this level a challenge. My only advice is to come prepared with Yoshi and a feather.
    1-5 Iggy's Castle 4 First part is a breeze, but once you enter that door, watch out! This may seem incredibly hard at first, but just find a good method and stragety, and you'll see it's not that hard at all.
    2-1 Flying 5 This level is hard. You have to jump across the parachuting goombas while doding the lava. A feather will make this level much harder. When you past the water tank, jump on the cloud block. You'll notice a coin, but no platform! You have to trust the coin. Once you get to the midway point, STOP. You'll see three coins. Below these coins lies a giant pit. Don't fall in it!
    2-2 Claustraphobic Caves 6 This level is hard! You must have activated the yellow switch or you can't beat this level! Nothing much I can say, exept you need to be very agile! By the way, getting the key to the switch is extremely hard! Good luck!
    Green Switch Palace Green Switch 6 Can you get the extra life? Soon you should come to a pit. Trust the coins. See? You can walk across them! There's a second pit now. The green switch is right on the other side! Let's go ge- woah! You fell? Go in the tunnel and bounce to the water. Swim through the ghosts and pirahnas and get the feather. Now is the really tricky part. Save state. Now fly through this. You should get hit by fire balls and die. Load state. Now this time when you fly, hit the wall. Now you shouldn't be moving, just falling. Dip a little and start flying again. Hopefully you're going slow. Now try to fly through the fire balls. Now you should see arrows pointing up. It's hard, but try to fly upwards. Get to the top of the arrows and you'll be fine. The green switch is ahead, good luck!
    2-3 Donut Ghost House 3 This should be a breeze, just watch out for the ghosts. Getting the Top Secret Area isn't so hard either.
    2-4 Gigantic Roller Coaster 5 Stop. Before you enter this level, make sure you're anything but small Mario. If so enter the level. Try to not get hit the whole time, not once. At the part with lots of bullets coming at you, stay on the lava platform. Save state to make sure you don't get hurt. Near the end of the roller coaster, jump to the side, don't fall in the pit. Now, hopefully you're not small Mario. If you are, you can't beat the level. Go on the next roller coaster and get the feather. Now at the peak of the jump, float as far as you can to the goal.
    2-5 Midnight Ride 5 Jump on the cloud and dodge the lava and baseballs. When it says "Get off cloud", it's your choice. Next you should see the "Elevator of Death". Go ahead and get on! Save state is recommended. Dodge the pirahnas and finish the level.
    2-6 Morton's Castle 7 The hardest level as of version 0.3. Straightfoward level, be sure to use lots of save states. When you get to the part where the walls close in on you, carry the trampoline and jump on the blocks. There should be a block you can't seem to jump to. On the block below and to the right of it, run and jump backwards onto the above block. When you reach the top, don't move. See the spikes? Just missed you. The rest should be easy.
    3-1 Lava ride 2 The final edited level as of 0.3. When you get to the descending floor, it can get a little tricky. Near the end, bounce on the red turtles to the tunnel. Get the feather and float as far as you can until you get hit. Now run as fast as you can to the goal while your invisibility lasts. Congratulations, you've just beaten 0.3 of Ultimate Mario World!


    The first level. Heres a hint: the goal is way before this part.
    The second level. This is one of the easier levels.
    Third level. This isnt too hard.
    Now this is where things start to change...
    Very tricky.
    Seventh level. Very hard.
    Told you getting the key to the green switch palace is hard!
    The green switch palace.
    Very first ghost house.
    A giant roller coaster.
    The tenth level. You fly through this level on a cloud.
    The second castle. Definitly the hardest level as of version 0.3. See the Elevator of Death?
    The final edited level. Also the easiest.