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The BBMAK Attack

3/31/02 HEY!!!! It's been months since I've updated, but all right I finally did!! "If You Stay" is complete! I hope you all like it! Tell me what you think :)

That's my banner code if you want to add me to your sites :) Let me know if you guys have any BSB/BBMAK/Sugar Ray sites and I'll add your banners :)

Just take out those stars when you add that to your text block!

<*a href=""*><*img src="">

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***Page started with LOVE on 8/13/01***

And Here Are The Stories and Such...

When Tours Collide Part I
When Tours Collide Part II
We Fight As Nobles, But We Die As Friends Part I-III
We Fight As Nobles, But We Die As Friends Part IV
If You Stay <--NEW!!!!!!!!!!!! Easter Special :)
