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All About Me!

About Me

Basics-I was born on October 16, 1988 in Hamilton Ontario. I live with my mom, my dad, and my younger sister Steph. I have one older sister who doesnt live with us. I've lived in the same house all my life, and gone to the same school up until my grade 8 graduation this year. My dream is to become an actress, but another more practical thing i want to do is become a lawyer. I'm just entering high school this year, so i don't have to worry about my career that much.

Outside-I'm 5'3" 1/2 inches and i weigh around 110-115. I'm a natural blonde, and i've never died my hair. My eyes are blue-grey, and sometimes look a little bit green from close up. I'm very fair skinned, and i burn easily. I'm from Scottish and Irish roots, and i also have a little bit of Spanish in me, (not that it shows). Pictures

Inside-I'm outgoing, and sometimes too loud. I don't remember ever being shy. I can hide my feelings well, and i can lie better than anyone i know. I put others feelings before mine. I'm more confident with myself now then i've ever been. I'm proud to be Irish, but i wish i had a little more spanish in me. I'm Catholic. I like rap, R&B, and punk. When i turn 16 i want a tatoo on my hip of a four leaf clover. I love italian guys, gino's, and i'm single at the moment. I hate wimpy guys. If you wanna know more email me.

Daily Messages

Wednesday August 14 2002

5:52 p.m Heyhey. I got two new sweaters and three new lipglosses! I love getting new stuff so much. One sweater is pink and ties up the front, the other one is a kinda off-white turtleneck, and its got three-quarter length sleeves. I can't wear them until it gets cold but oh well! They had alot of pants and tank tops and capris for $9.99 too, i might go back with some more cash. My dad owes me anyway, cuz he brought my sister out and spent tons on her. Lol Mmmm....i'm wearing one of the lipglosses, its Melon Medley. It smells and tastes good. Lol u don't find many lipglosses that taste good. I just blow dried my hair and i feel so good and clean. I'm going to Katies to sleepover Thursday...and then Friday is the dance, then Saturday is the water park & my sisters b-day. Alright i think i'm gonna go to dairy queen now. L8s!

10:05 p.m Hey, i went to Dairy Queen...then me and Katie and Christina went to walk to the park and it started raining, Katie left, and me and Christina went to the park, and walked in the fountain in the rain. After a while we were soaked, so we walked down Main St. to the pizza place to look for James, but he wasnt there, so we started walking back and it started to rain again. All in all it wasn't a good experience. :~\
Tomorrow i gotta stay home in the afternoon to babysit my sis, so after that me and my friends are gonna go get our tickets for the dance on friday. Then that night we're gonna sleepover at Kates and swap alot of clothes for the dance. I'm excited :) I <3<3<3 dances!! If anyone has some good, easy to do hair tips tell me. I'm thinking of curling it....but that takes sooo long. Lol i'm thinking of a high ponytail curled...or maybe a messy bun. Hmm i'll experiment tonight. Lol. I'm gonna go now and make sure the site works. Later babes!

Tuesday August 13 2002

6:02 p.m Hey everyone...I just got back from the mall. I didn't get anything, is hot as hell outside. Its something like 35 degrees outside? That is just wrong. and i now have 4 blisters on my feet. :*(....On an unrelated topic....I'm prolly sleeping over at Hailey's tonight, fun fun fun! =) Lol i haven't been to her house in a while, i went to her dad's but i haven't been to her house here, which is weird because i usually like live there. I'm happy tho, her house is always fun. Unlike mine. Lol i never have anyone over cuz my house sucks. I do have central air tho :P! Mmm...cold air =) Ow my feet hurt like a bitch so so so much. Gotta go for dinner!

Sunday August 11 2002

1:53 p.m Hey guys, i know i haven't really been messaging much, so i'm gonna post a summary of my whole week. Here it is:
Sunday- Me, Katie, Christina, and Nicolina went to Dairy Queen and then sat on the stairs of the church (our semi-hangout, lol). We met a group of ppl, they were cool. We got their emails too.
Monday- Me, Katie, and Christina met up with our new friends (lol) at the park. Steve and James made this weirdo believe that they were gay. Its was hillarious.
Tuesday- Me and Christina met up with Juice, then Eva and Randi, then everyone else came. We went to the park and the guys all played chase, and the girls had "female bonding time". Lol
Wednesday- Me and Christina went out to the park, and hung out, i didn't feel very good so i went home.
Thursday- Me, Katie, Christina, Nicolina, Lori, and Heidi went to the mall. We saw James there and hung around with him. After dinner me and Christina went to the pizza place where James works, then we went and picked up Katie, and we went to Dairy Queen.
Friday- I chilled out at home during the day, then at night me, Katie, Christina, and Nicolina went to Austin Powers. It was funny, but the movie theatre was packed.
Saturday- Me, Christina, and Katie went to the festival. We met up with Eva first, then Melanie and Nicole, then Steve and James came, then Juice and Corey. We got tons of free stuff, and then we hung around by the fountain. I was half an hour late getting home, then i went to my cousins birthday party.
Sunday- I'm chilling around the house today, and tonight i'm going to Lord of The Dance =D I'm excited.
Ok guys that was my week. I'm just chilling out now, It's sorta nice to have a break though. I wanna go to the mall tomorrow, i wanna take the bus. Lol but last time i did that i ended up out of my city. Lol, i think i'll have better luck this time. Well i'm gonna try to find something interesting to do. I'm out.

9:45 p.m Hey! I just got back from Lord of the Dance. It rocked so much! I have no idea how the dancers dance for like 2 hours. It was amazing tho, they had two violin players and a singer. We were in the first balcony, and we could see like the whole stage. The lighting was awesome too. I really wanna go up to the mall tomorrow on a bus. I'm gonna call all my friends tomorrow and try to convince them. I need to shop, and the mall by our house doesn't have alot of stuff...
Oh jeez....i'm wearing a skirt right now and i just noticed that i'm getting a mini-gut. If anyone has a good, healthy, do-able diet plan, please share. I just wanna keep healthy before i become a porker. Lol. :\ I just realized i'm on vacation when i need to pic up my school uniform and class schedule and all that stuff. Jeez, i'll have to figure something out. I'm gonna go now. L8r.

Thursday August 8 2002

4:50 p.m Hey all!! Lol i bought the most hillarious looking sweater at the mall. It's big and pink and fuzzy. And it was $1! Lol it was on the damaged rack so i bought it. I'm chillin in it now. Its a bit warm but what the hell. I like it. I didn't get any of the things i was planning on getting, lol. Ooh but i got a free magazine w/ Elvis on the cover. Hahaha i loove him. I'm eating a Push Pop. I always feel like a pervert sucking on them. :x Lol. I seriously have nothing to say today. Or any day. This site really sucks. Lol i'm gonna go.

Wednesday August 7 2002

7:30 p.m ARG! I wanna go out soo bad. I'm missing the company of friends. My stomach still hurts, but not as much. I ate my first full meal in like 3 days, cuz i kept skipping breakfast and having like a slurpee or an iced cappucino for lunch, then yesterday i didnt feel good enuff for dinner. Today i had some dinner. Feels good lol. U kno what i noticed? Everytime i meet a new group of ppl i start to feel sick. Weird eh? Lol it'll pass at least. I bought gum and mints today. La la la. Well i'm outta here babes

Tuesday August 6 2002

10:14 p.m Heyheyhey. I loove life. =D. I'm in suuchh a good mood right now! I'm not gonna be able to get to sleep cuz i'm eating chocolate and im hyper and im so cold. I'm shivering from a mix of all three. I don't care cuz im happy. Ew you know whats not a good experience? Sitting on a day old banana peel. :-| Its kinda gross. No, make that really gross. Lol. My mom just told me she rented a hotel room in Wasaga Beach for 3 nights. :-) I hope its fun. Can u tell i'm hyper???? I'm typing at like super human speed. Its fun. I keep putting double letters where there shouldn't be. I'm so hyper i could run down the street right now. That may not sound like much, but i'm not a runner. Lol. My teeth are chattering. OOH guess what!? I ate a larva today! *gross out moment* Hahaha but its true! There was a larva covered in strawberry candy and someone had it and i said i'd eat it. I had about 3 quarters, another girl ate the last piece. It really didn't sit well. I didnt feel good lol. Until now i hadn't eaten like anything. I ate a banana and a Slurpee. And a larva. Now i had some chocolate. Mmm chocolate. I better go because i haven't said one interesting thing in the past like, hour. Lol buh-bye peeps.

Monday August 5 2002

10:26 p.m Hey everyone, whats new? I love makin friends :). I met a bunch of really cool new ppl, which is good, very good. Lol. U guys like friends? I do. Lol i'm actin kinda dumb right now. Lol o well thats my business. I really don't have anything to write. Wait my comp is messed. Cya Later.

Sunday August 4 2002

11:46 a.m Hi guys, sorry i didn't message again last night, i fell asleep on my couch with my dog watching "Scariest Places on Earth". Then when i woke up i was like still half asleep and not thinking very much, and i was like scared to go to my room, which is in the basement. Lol stupid eh? So now i'm up early (well, early for me) cuz i went to bed early. :-D. Lol. I have a sunburn again :*(!! My face is all burned and weird looking, but at least i'll have tan lines for my new bathing suit, and not my old one. one really is coming to my site...and that makes me sad. I don't know how to get more hits, but if anyone does, please tell me. I'm gonna have some breakfast/lunch now. Peace

Saturday August 3 2002

5:03 p.m Hey. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep. And i just got back from the water park. It was fun, i saw a bunch of ppl i hadn't seen in a while. It was pretty fun, all the slides and the river. I liked it, even tho i was tired. I got a chance to wear my new bathing's a pic of the top:

The bottoms are the same print, and just regular bikini style. I think i'm gonna fall over. I am soo tired i can't believe it. I'm getting in a fight with a guy named Bob*. You may have seen his rather rude guestbook entry. A bit mean. I told him..ha ha ha. He thinks he's at the top of the world...he jokes. And i had just finished saying something long, and important to me, and he said "all this stuff you're throwing at me, in my mind all it translates to is HEE-HAW, HEE-HAW. the sounds of a jackass." See how he dismisses me as nothing? It bothers me. Alot. Wouldn't it bother u? My computer is kinda messed up right now...i'll try to blog later but i can't promise anything. L8r days...
*Name has been changed because he doesn't deserve his name on my page*
Friday August 2 2002

2:56 p.m Hey dudes. I'm going to my friends today, i'll be back around Saturday night. I'm going to the water-park Saturday. =) I'm gonna show off my new bathing suit. I know i said i'd have a picture but i gotta wait. I promise i'll have it as soon as i can. I'm on the phone right now. Well...i just messaged to say that i won't be here until like Sunday or something. Cya guys l8s!

Thursay August 1 2002

1:01 p.m Hey hey. I wanna shoutout to my friend Nicolina, its her b-day today, but she's at camp until Friday. Too bad, lol. Some people have been telling me that my site is too empty. I'm in the process of adding more, I promise you, but you're just gonna have to sit tight for a little while. I have one thing to say. I LOVE GOOLD Lolol, has anyone seen the new Austin Powers? I need to go see it soon. I really wanna see: Austin Powers, xXx, and Blue Crush. I saw Road to Perdition last week. It was really good. It had an amazing ending. I love crime drama kind of stuff, like the Soprano's. I missed 2 weeks of it tho! :*( Oh well, life goes on. *Burrrp* Lol, j/k. I'm so full tho, i just ate a can of Beefaroni, and some mellow yellow. I know this message is kinda short but I don't have much to say. I am gonna update some sections now tho. Buh-bye!
Ps- Awesome Site --->
Wednesday July 31 2002

6:05 p.m Hey i just got back from the mall. I didn't go to the beach cuz it was raining and my sis wasnt feelin good. I got a new bathing suit tho. Its pink with Hawaiian print. I like it alot. I'll have a pic up within a week. I'll probably be at Hailey's tonight. Speaking of which, i'm gonna phone her...
Dammit, got the answering machine again. Oh well, she'll call me when she gets home. I love Nas and all his songs. i.e Gangsta Tears, Big Girl, One Mic...I love 'em all. Lol. I got a cool new keychain at the mall, its shaped like a surfboard with three dolphins on it, and its red & orange. =) I luv surfer stuff.

The only problem with buying a keychain is that i don't carry any keys. I don't have a car, and i don't carry my house keys. Lol well i'll just put it on my backpack or something. I'm gonna burn a cd of music to sleep to. The list so far is:
Unchained Melody- Righteous Brothers
Everybody Hurts- REM
No Me Ames- Marc Anthony & Jennifer Lopez
Alive- Jennifer Lopez
Like A Prayer- Madonna
Dreaming of You- Selena
Stuck in a Moment- U2
Sweet Baby James- James Taylor
This Woman's Work- Maxwell
Superstarr Pt. 2- K-OS
The One- Gary Allen
My Heart Will Go On- Celine Dion
Breathe- Faith Hill
Irish Lullaby- Three Irish Tenors
Angel's Lullaby- Richard Marx

Music helps me get to sleep, but i dont have any good cds. I'm gonna go now, i dunno if hailey is home yet, and i don't wanna call back again cuz i think she might have call id. Lol oh well, Ciao
Tuesday July 30 2002

3:01 p.m Howdy. I'm soo bored. I'm probly going to my friend Hailey's tomorrow until friday, but i just got in a fight with my mom, and she might say no now. Crappy. I finally found out the name of the song i've been singing for days now. Superstar Part II by K-os. I luv it. Ok...on my msn list there's a bunch of ppl who i dont know. I don't wanna talk to them either. One guy is being weird. :-\ He says "i was making a crass chauvenistic joke about the female gesticulation". He's trying to make me look stupid by using big words. He messed with the wrong chick. Lol. I'm not dumb. Now he's blaming me for everything thats wrong with women. He says women try to change you. Screw him, i don't even know this guy. Anyways....
Ahh for a second their my computer went screwed, and was stuck on caps lock. Thats just peachy. I wonder how many visitors my site has had. Maybe 3? Lol. OH GOD!!! I just finished talking to my mom about going to Haileys, and my mom goes "I'm thinking of going to the beach tomorrow, you can go on thursday" and i'm like "oh ya...for one day....sure that'll work" and i know for sure that if I didn't wanna do something she wouldn't be planning trips to the beach or anything. She'd tell me to go out and find something to do. Omg i am so mad at her i think i'm gonna go out and tell her off. Dammit i can't believe her. First of all, i'm not going to camp cuz she was dumb and forgot to enroll me, and now she doesn't want me to do anything. God help me i think i'm seriously gonna hurt her. I've gotta go now and cool off.

Monday July 29 2002

1:12 p.m Ola. Turns out i'm not going to camp. Crappy. I'm soo bored. My friends haven't even left yet and i'm bored. Nothing is fun alone. i.e- the mall, the movies, dances. That would be howlz, going to a dance alone. Lol does it get any gayer than that?

8:31 Hey, sorry i cut the last message short, my computer has been a b*tch lately. Lol ya thats right, my computer is a girl. Mmm...i love Aquataine lotion. I'm silky smooth. Anyone wanna feel me? Lol, jokes. I got a guestbook up now. No messages yet....*sniff* i'm sad. Just joking, i've only had the site up for 2 days, im not expecting miracles or anything. You know what? Ever since like...June, i haven't wanted a boyfriend, like, i wouldn't turn one down, but i wasn't looking for one. Now i'm feeling the urge for a guy. I wanna be held, and talked to. Lol how corny does that sound?? But i really want a boyfriend. But this isn't an plea for any desperate guy to sign the guestbook telling me he'd like to date me. I wanna meet someone on my own. Well, high school is supposed to be full of good guys...or so i hear. Lol, i've been hurt alot in previous relationships, so right now im looking for an all around good guy. But not a wimp. I hate wimps with all my soul. No offence to all the wimpy guys out there, but i need a guy to take care of me. I don't like needy guys either. I'm sure you guys are tired of hearing about my non-exsistent love life, so im gonna go do something more productive, so i'm gonna stop writing, but continue sitting on my ghetto booty wasting the night away. *Sigh* If anyone knows where i can get a life, contact me.

Sunday July 28 2002

3:30 p.m Hello all. This is the first message of my new and improved site. I know the layout is sorta....well, the layout is sort of nonexistent, but really i don't care how many hits i get, this page is just totally and completely about me. That sounds really selfish and bitchy, but i'm really not like that in life. I came back from camping yesterday. You know whats weird? While i was camping, i never once woke up in my tent and thought i was home, but last night i woke up and thought i was still camping. Too funny. Seriously though, camping was awesome. This is the best camping trip ever. The other two years were pretty cool, but this year was the best for sure. I met some guys too, seriously they were primo. Like, some of the hottest guys i've ever seen. I was thinking of going to the mall today, i need some new underwear. Well, actually i just need some more thongs, lol. No one wants to go with me though. Maybe i'll go alone. Or maybe i'll wait until later in the week. Hmm...decisions decisions. The first few days of this week are gonna be pretty boring. Three of my friends are leaving for camp for a week, and my other friend is at her dads, and alot more ppl are at cottages and stuff. Oh well, on tuesday or wednesday i'll probably be going to my friend's dad's house, so that should be cool. I'm gonna go shower now...(ya, i know you wanna see me perverts :P) See ya soon!

5:00 p.m Mmm...i just got back from the shower. Lol, i had the urge to herbal if u get my drift. Ya thats right, i use Herbal Essences! Lol i'm so clean. It turns out my one friend can't go to camp, she has an ear/throat infection. Get well soon Kates! But if there is an opening there i might be able to go. I hope i can. You know what i've noticed lately? When i'm nervous, or excited, or about to get caught for something, i tend to feel my pulse. I put two fingers up to my neck and feel my pulse. Does anyone else do this? I wonder. Lol. Hey, i just found out my cousin got a new car. A silver convertable sebring, or so i'm told. I'll have to get up there and see it. Lol. I have a cavity in my tooth. I need to see a dentist :x. Yuck, i used to like dentists. I'm gonna go now, chill out and stuff. Oh ya, i added some more pictures too. Buhbye!

Right Now

Date: August 14, 2002

Time: 10:18 p.m

Feeling: The current mood of at

Today Was/Will Be: The current mood of at

Wearing: Rainbow tank and jean shorts

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Nothing

Talking To: Christina, Nicolina

Hearing: Underneath it All- No Doubt

Thinking About: Hairstyles

My MSN Screen Name: --Catholic School Girl #2-- (8)YoU'vE UsEd Up aLL YoUr CoUpOnS AnD aLL YoU'vE GoT LeFt Is mE(8)

I Am

A Girl



A Bad Girl




A Wanna-be Actress

Sign my Guestbook!