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Hi, its Krysta, just thought that if you were interested in learning a little bit about me, my friends my family or just to see some pics.. they are not that great.. but its ok, you get the idea :)

This is me lil ol me in front of my computer at home.

This is me being all formal and having tons of fun.

This is me messing around with my webcam one night... I look really pale :P

this is me and my friend Jobeth in NYC skating away.. what a fun weekend!(you have to crank your neck to see it but its worth it lol)

This is me and my brother. Brian your an awesome bro! Im so glad that you and I are so close, family is forever!! hehehe

This is kevin, he is my other brother, whoo hoo growing up in a house of all boys, now you know why Im not lady like? hehe. but, I do wanna let you know that I love you kid, youre actually alright when your not being a pain!

This is me and my family. We may be a bit disfunctional but were a hell of a lot of fun!
