About John
Look guys... it's me

- Personal Statistics -
Name John Scelzi
Age 17
DoB June 2nd, 1985
Sex Male
Race White - Italian, German, Czech, Swedish, French.
Home State New York
Favorite Colors Red's nice
Favorite Food Sushi
Favorite Shows Simpsons, The Critic, Spaceghost Coast to Coast... Spaceghost rules
Favorite Bands Slipknot, Mudvayne, Metallica, Type O Negative, Children of Bodom, Slayer, Tool
Current Favorite Movie Any Jay and Silent Bob shit, ID4, Grosse Point Blank, Enemy at the Gates, High Fidelity
Hobbies Art, Shooting, Diablo II, listening to music, Archery, hanging out with friends... and eh...
Political Alignment Xenoist - Pro Military, Pro Choice, Anti Welfare
Current Career Senior
Pals' Charlie, John, Gabe, Lisa, Brian, Steve, Matt, Christina, Jonathon, Caitlin, Trisha, Carolyn, Amadaeus, Zache, Andrew, Mike, Christina, Weschler, Tort, Landers, Pete, Fusco, Brian, Zack, Andrew, Christine, Kaitlin
Girlfriend None. Things get shitty, but fuck it, right? Plenty of ravioli in the bowl
Favorite Songs Aenima - TOOL, Paint it Black - Gob/Rolling Stones, Iron Man - Black Sabbath, Black no. 1 - Type O
Lucky # 69
Advice If you had placed $1,000 in Enron stock awhile ago, you would currently have roughly $16.50 left. Were you to place $1,000 in Worldcom stock, you would have less then $5.00. Now, if you were to take that same $1,000 and spend it all on budweiser (the actual beer, not stock), drank all the beer and turned in the can's for the 5 cent deposit, you would have $107.00. Advice? Drink heavily and always remember to recycle.
Favorite Games I don't play much anymore... I suppose GTA2/3, FF's, Chrono Cross, Diablo II (/w *chakaun), Devil May Cry is good for a laugh
Websites www.stickdeath.com
www.slipknot1.com [Slipknot rules]
www.emsc.nysed.gov/ciai/testing/regents.htm [You need an old regents with the answers? Go there, cheater]
www.nuklearpower.com [8bit theater]