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I promise he'll go crack like goose!!

How many stools does it take to screw in a light bulb?

the answer is F so go hug a bad guy and get bad guy cooties!!!!!!

So how many squirrels does it take to make a kite?? click here duh!!

yep uh huh i am bored!!! heres my horrible report Atheists and fundamentalists. Two sides of the same coin, or opposite ends of the scale. Yet they both hold a common thought: that they are both zealots about their beliefs. Although they do share something similar, they are both completely different things.   Atheists are ones who disbelieve the existence of God or gods. As there is no scientific evidence for supernatural phenomena, atheists reject belief in 'God,' gods and other supernatural beings. The universe, the world in which we live, and the evolution of life, are entirely natural occurrences. Many atheists reject superstition and prejudice along with the irrational fears . Many people have become atheists because they lost their faith. Fundamentalists are totally the opposite. Fundamentalists believe not only in the verbal inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, but also in a whole series of evangelical doctrines published around 1909 under the title of THE FUNDAMENTALS. So basically they believe in God, one god, and aren't exactly open to any other ideas. Fundamentalists feel they need to return religion to its proper place of importance in society. Most fundamentalists were raised in a religous setting. The coin was flipped twice, and both sides each were up. Although I do feel that Fundamentalism is much more socially excepted then Atheism( but Im getting off subject). When it comes down to it, I think they are just complete oppisites.
