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Soul Quest

Story of Soul Quest!

A long time ago, the Earth was ruled by a God named Timant. He was a great ruler, but an evil being known as Herildi who wanted to overthrow him came along. They waged war for days, until Timant proved victorious over Herildi, but was left mortally wounded. The explosion from his death would be disaterous, so he sealed his energy in 6 small spheres. But someone would soon come to unlock his power...

Enter: Siyon. For the past centuries, the Earth's nations were always at war. In a desperation attempt for peace, instead of having squabbling nations, perhaps if they united under one, and had only one leader, peace would finally prevail. And it would, if the appointed leader, Alton, hadn't been assasinated. When this happened, his son, Siyon, took his place. Unfortunatly, he proved to be a total madman, turning things for the worse, until Siyon was finally forced to step aside, but he refused. He took his army that was aquired and went on a rampage to retake the world. His proposed plan, was to find the 6 Timant spheres and unlock the power, allowing him to riegn supreme, but he need to find the spheres, and even if he succeeds, he needs somebody, with high levels of Mana (strength force in all living beings) to unlock it, this is where a young boy named Laro and his companions comes in... At first they believed Siyon simply wanted to use the power of Timant to conquer the world, but it's far more than that...