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The life Of CyberMan16
Wednesday, 5 November 2003
Nice driving, Alex
You and your G-Ride. You don't deserve to call your car a G-Ride... stupid Geo Metro...

Today one of my friends has his triple free, so he got to go home early, leaving me with no ride home or to lunch. So Alex drives me, along with a few other friends. On the way out he NAILS the curb, hich is people had been sitting there like they usually do, would have met a cerain death. Yeah. I get to the grocery store where we dine on chicken wings for 25 cents each. Another friend wanted to break his record of a pound in 20 minutes. He'll do it someday.

I go back in his car, since Alex's car really doesn't support five people, by rights. We get back, and this guy who hangs out with us left his bookbag in the car, so we put it in a puddle. He deserved it.

Back at school, I have an English test. The test reflects the evil attitude of the teacher. There were three multiple choice sections, and an essay. The essay was the easy part. The questions were so obscure, using words we didn't understand, and two answers would be VERY close, so you couldn't tell which one was right. She told me, when I gave me some help (which was done in a very cocky fashion) that I was poised to lose every point in the true or false question. Why? She said to write either true or false, I wrote (in the tiny spaces) T or F, and said that she had marked off people in the past for doing that. Man, what is wrong with you, you sadistic bitch?

After the test, Alex drove me home. He didn't do anything overly stupid this time. Hopefully this weekend, I can see the new Matrix movie. Yay.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 11:00 PM
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Monday, 3 November 2003
All hail the Oppressing Thumb!
Inside joke. Don't ask.

Today was amusing. We had a history test, and that's quite the fun class to have when you sit next to a girl with no inner monologue. She'll spout random stupid things, like when we talked about the Watergate scandal, they placed bugs there. She pipes up and says "Bugs? What do you mean, they put bugs there?" We all look at her, I sigh and say "Not real bugs... radio transmitters..." She bursts laughing (which she does alot) and goes red. But afterwards, when mentioned that phone calls there were recorded, another girl said "Why didn't they use cell phones?" God my class is dumb...

At work over the weekend, it was quite a hectic night. It was rush hour, and after working with thjat for an hour (with a kitchen staff that was slow as hell) I was put on drivethru. Myself. I had to get all the food and pass it out, which if you want to keep the average drivethru times low, you must be damn fast. I just went into hyperdrive, pretty much shut down any distractions and just flew. My old manager called that being "in the zone".

At the same time, two other people are yakking over the headsets. One in the window where the orders are taken and money is paid, another in the kitchen, so we can all know what's going on with drivethru. The girl and kitchen guy kept yakking, occasionally cutting in to me, to grill me that orders are taking too long, and I should send orders to the parking lot to have the order run out to them when it's ready, which I did. Even though I had gotten backed up, since I was put there, I had lowered the average by 5 seconds, which is hard to do. She's a psychotic bitch, but has been nice to me lately.

Then I was put on the first window to take the orders and money. First time I've done it. It was okay, but she kept cutting in on my headset to tell me things. I'm thinking "Dammit! Shut the hell up for five minutes and let me work!" I also had to work with this guy who was working the counter. Nice guy, but he's a moron. He kept asking me to scoop fries for him, which I had no time to do. He also wondered if he'd get a free meal on his break (I did, because I wasn't scheduled to work that day, but was called in) since he had to work a rush hour. Uh, dude, they PAY you to work rush hours. That's your freaking job, man!

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 10:14 PM
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Friday, 31 October 2003
Trick or treat! ... go to hell...
We had about 20 people in total come for Halloween. Very odd, since it's a very nice night. Well, more for me, I suppose...

I talked to my dad about insuring the car today. I heard from a person at school that his insurance is $625 a year. That did it. I am now convinced we are getting ripped off, and I want to look for a new company. My dad hates insurance and is considering the idea, but is reluctant to rock the boat and destroy any relations with our current insurance company of many years.

He won't, however, let me pay a hundred a month (the current state of insurance) myself. He says I need to save up for university and there's no way I can. So I know what I must do: appeal to my mom. She often tells me "We'll figure something out". I know I can't do this alone, and seriously, if my dad has his way, although he does want me to drive, I won't be able to until I'm in my twenties...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 11:12 PM
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Thursday, 30 October 2003
That has to be the worst email I've ever received
Dear god... never send me anything again, Blaire... :S

I finally got my upgraded lisence. Now, all the crap I've had to go through to get my lisence is now over. Now I need insurance, which won't be easy to convince my parents to allow me to get. My dad's a huge pessimist on the issue, and it will be difficult to convince him, even though I will pay for it.

Work's been good, but we've had a real cutdown of hours... more like 7 a week. I'll have to work something out to get more hours. I'm not going to go looking for another job, as this'll go back to normal in due time.

Not much else to say...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 11:33 PM
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Sunday, 26 October 2003
Gravy + eye= bad

Well, I was supposed to go get my lisence upgraded on Friday night. We drive to the city only to find upon arrival that my liscence was left at home in another pair of jeans. Worse, my father with an explosive temper was the one who took me. I must say, I was impressed by his performance. No kicking random objects, no actual increase in volume of voice, was decent to other people when we tried to see if the papers I did had would get me my license (it didn'y work) and he cooled down in record time.

I felt worse than he did. I wanted to punch myself, and learned an important thing: Life does not teach lessons. Life gives you the test before the lesson, and once you fail the test, you don't want to hear the lesson. We grabbed some KFC and went home.

When I got home, my mother was very upset. Apparently she just cracked from a hard week. I picked a bad time to be an idiot. She calmed down, and was alright. I hate her job. She's a medical secretarty who puts up with the MOST IGNORANT PEOPLE IMAGINABLE. Anyone who's reading this, next time you go to the doctors, if you can't get in right away, don't blame the secretary. Does she look like a doctor? No. The doctors have other people to tend to, so shut up.

At work, I had to deal with some very iffy customers. People wanting fresh fries, no salt, etc. just irrate me. Unless they put something on my burger I don't like, I never complain. I had to make a large fries and had to scrape every last fry in order to make it. I gave it to the lady and she said "Oh no, I don't want that junk!" "Uh... excuse me? You ordered this, didn't you?" "Yes, but I don't want those tiny pieces!" "Um... well, you can wait a minute for some more fries..." "Oh no, I've waited long enough. Hmph..." God, what's your problem? Shut the hell up! They're fine, stop complaining, and besides, the middle pieces will be bigger, your majesty.

Oh yes, they really must get rid of that gravy thing. It's a hazard, I've gotten a nasty burn or two, but today the machine (which is on a high shelf) sputtered and splashed in my eye. Yeah. I was okay, but that thing's very dangerous. It often squirts crooked and burns many people.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 8:00 PM
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Tuesday, 21 October 2003
God, I can't stand my English teacher...
That Romeo and Juliet flash is the funniest thing ever...

My English Teacher is such a bitch. She is obsessed with proving her superiority over us. She doesn't allow opinions. To her, we are uneducated non-people who are not entitled to opinions. Not until we have PHDs are we considered to have valid opinions. She also enjoys humiliating people in front of the class. She will make your errors known and treats us like garbage, and that we should but never will be on her level of perfectness anytime soon.

One example was awhile ago, I asked her what the word "syntactical" meant. She just glared at me. "It means grammar, Joey. You should know things like that. I don't know how you made it through 12 years of school if you can't figure out simple words like that." The hell? Screw you, bitch! Not many people know that, I would think. She says that same line to my friend next to me quite often.

I also mention that she spelled a word wrong in a handout she gave us. She glares at me again, and says that she didn't. The word was "Skillful" spelt "Skilful". She sternly tells me that it can be spelled both ways, and leaves. I grumble to myself, but she comes back a few minutes later, with a bloody DICTIONARY. She ponits out how wrong I am, by proving that it can be spelt both ways. Then points out syntactical in the dictionary and says to look it up rather than ask, reiterating how foolish I am. YOU'RE THE DAMN ENGLISH TEACHER! TEACH IT!

Then, she says to me that she has worked hard to get to where she is, and not to diss her spelling as she takes great pride in it (oh, but apparently, it's okay to diss my vocabulary) and that I am a mere student, and am not in the position to tell her anything, and I quote "Come back in ten years with a PHD, then I will shake your hand". Yeah, I'll slap you in the head with it, you dumb bitch!

Finally, she annoucnes to the class the importance of knowing certain words and that you should know them by now. I simply remark "I just wanted to know what the word meant..." She is cocky and snarky beyond belief. She actually scolded my friend for not putting down some chairs, and said it would have been a mere favor to her, to return the favor to him which she could have easily refused to do. What favor? He said she marked him absent, when he wasn't. THAT'S NOT A FAVOR! YOU MADE A MISTAKE! He wasn't absent, so fix it! He's entitled to it!

Lastly, in my rant about this terrible teacher, she even points out the most trivial mistakes. I was doing a presentation for a project, in which I said " We did our project on-" And she pipes up" No no no! I'm sorry, you didn't already do you project. You are DOING your project. This is the presentation right now, you can't say you did it on something already. Shut the hell up! God, what's her problem...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 11:23 PM
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Friday, 17 October 2003
Well, that ends one of the most dramatic days I"ve ever had...

I knew I was going to have a tense day, but I never would have expected this. I wait for my mom to take me to my driving test just before lunch. My friends act like assholes, taking advantage of my tenseness. Finally, I go outside to see my mom has arrived. We drive to the McDonalds I work at because I wanted to get my pay stub. However, it's busy and will take a few minutes, which I don't have. I only have about 40 minutes, and I have to practise reverse parking, which I am not 100% confident with.

I try backing into spaces with very little luck. I got very frustrated, trying numerous times. Finaly, there was about 20 minutes left and we decided to leave. We got to the mall where I was supposed to meet the tester. But, we had no idea where to go. We couldn't find an entrance, and the interior was off limits because of renovations. So we go behind the mall, but there's nothing there. I ask some guys where it is, they say it's not here. That there's only one in the city, and the one here has been torn down.

Okay, what the hell? Time's running out. 10 minutes until my appointment, and being late could get it cancelled. We drive over to the gas station next door so I can ask if anyone knows there, while my mom calls the main DMV to see if she can figure it out. We're at 5 minutes now, and things are really tense. My mom is getting seriously frustrated, and I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. The people at the gas station don't know either. I run out to se my mom on the phone. She yells "Walmart!" which is just down the road. I run into the car. One minute left.

If I don't get there in time, I'll lose my appointment and I'll need to renew my beginners lisence before I'll get another chance. We go down the road and desperately wait for some slow drivers to pass, and then pull down, looking for a place next to a doctor's office and a tailor's shop. I see a big alcove where there are a couple offices. I get out there and run across the street and find "Registry of Motor Vehicles" on one door. I burst in and run into a man, who immediatly asks "Are you the 1:30 appointment?" "Yes" "Okay, I just need to go to my car. I'll be right with you."
Holy crap...

He comes back and I get in the car. Now I"m very nervous. He gets in and we take off. Suddenly, all the advice I heard in the past from friends rush through my head. I remember a girl who mentioned she failed her test for not yeilding to a pedestrian. I then notice a person trying to cross. I stop and let her through. Phew...

I drive as cautiously as I ever have. I'm desperate to keep the speed under 50 kilometers (the limit) I drive around, make lane changes when I realize that I need to (like if I need to make a left turn in the right lane) early into the test, as a friend mentioned I would. I check everywhere, constantly worrying if the last action I made was correct. I notice my instructor isn't even looking at me. He's just fixed on the road ahead. I make a curb park and do it as good as I think I can, and turn the wheel the right way. He tells me to keep going, and I leave, but realized I didn't signal.

I end up going back to the Walmart parking lot, almost going into the painted island while checking my blind spot. Now the dreaded reverse park. I start reversing, and realize I'm going to hit the car next to me. I pull ahead a bit, and ease my way in. I'm actually making it, then he says that's good, and to stop. Here we go, moment of truth.

He tells me that I should remember to signal when I do my parking, and not to go into the left lane. He seems cheerful. He then says I'm qualified and I get my lisense. I felt like the winner of American Idol. I had a hard time picturing I would pass, but I did. I thanked him greatly, and searched for my mom who was coming out of Walmart. Apparently, she was more nervous than me, and couldn't believe I made it. We went back into Walmart, and I bought a new shirt and the Matrix Reloaded.

Afterwards, though, I was emotionally drained. I just didn't care about anything anymore. Even at the dance, I never danced with anyone, I just didn't seem to have the nerve to ask anyone, not to mention it was quite difficult to do so that night. But then, I still didn't care. It was boring as hell, and only one friend of mine was there, making it really hard to have any fun after the first hour or so.

But yeah, I'm fine now, and just glad to shut up all those dumbasses who told me I'd fail.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 9:53 PM
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Wednesday, 15 October 2003
I hate wind.
Dear god, another storm? It's raining a bit here with some wind gusts, but nothing we haven't seen before. With any luck, we'll keep our power. It's exected to be about ? as powerful as Juan, and since the trees are clear, maybe we'll be okay. It won't do as much damage, it shouldn't take as long to restore any power, and hopefully at least my uncle will maintain power, allowing us to use the generator. I do know some parts where my friends live have no power, and my school still has power. The long strip of road that had power the morning of the hurricane, where I work, amazingly has no power.

Anyway, my drivers test is tommorow. It damn well better be, anyway. My only concern is reverse parking, which I hate. I just need to get a better estimate of how far I must go till I should start backing up. Other than that, I've conquered all other aspects of it. I'm really not nervous about it at all, surprisingly. After my 1:30 appointment, I get to go home for the rest of the day, and get the Matrix Reloaded DVD, and my pay cheque, and then the school dance.

So if the weather holds out, it'll be quite a day tommorow...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 6:38 PM
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Sunday, 12 October 2003

On Thursday, I was getting really fed up that we STILL had no power. Worse, I had to endure it because I soon discovered I wasn't going to be called into work. So, I had to ride the whole thing out. Well, at least till the afternoon when my dad brought the generator over for the day, at least giving me a nice dose of TV.

Still, I had to do whatever I could to keep busy. Biked around the block a few times, played solitaire (I am damn good at that game) and continue to listen for updates on my radio. I went in my backyard and down into the wooded area. I used to hang out there with my cousins, there's this neat fort thing which is a bunch of trees and wood and crap forming a circle that we used to hang out at. I have no idea who built it, but it was neat, and had a trail behind it leading to the lake. Not anymore. I don't recognize it anymore. There were more trees down than I could imagine, forming a maze of branches and huge roots sticking out of the ground. I tried to find that clearing with the fort, but couldn't. I hit a dead end, there was simply a wall of trees. It was quite the obstacle course, but keep in mind this is very thick woods, and I couldn't go around without risking getting lost.

That night, some cherry pickers came down the street. I felt like an Iraqi first seeing the U.S forces fight back Saddam's regime, well, at least without getting a bomb dropped on my house. They started clearing trees that were leaning against power lines. They weren't power trucks, but still, after a week of nothing, this was an encouraging development. The power company is now clear to come in and fix things, whenever that may be.

Later, my uncle came to pick up the generator. He said he noticed that just up the street has power now. Yeah, that sucks, but hey, his next door neighbor has power and he doesn't. So do the people across the street. There are only 5 houses including him on his street with no power. Needless to say, he was extremely pissed. He's got a nasty temper. If either of us got power, we'd be happy. The other could keep the generator full time, which would have been enough. He also said he noticed sparks coming from a power line up the street.

we unhooked the generator just as he left, and my dad decided to turn on the breaker, just in case they restore power later on. Wouldn't you know it, the lights flickered on! We had POWER! As it would turn out, the whole community had it, but our neighbors don't because their service lines are down. Go figure.

So, we are pretty estatic, and hop in the car to happily return the generator, which they now have as long as they want. At my cousin's house, he shows me around how the street has no power. He's pretty pissed that my out of the way home has power and he doesn't. Later, my uncle is about to call the power company and take a scraping off them, when the phone rings. My uncle answers, and says something to my dad in french. My dad gets up and says we're leaving. He said there's something happened back home, and the fire department was there.

My dad races home, and my uncle follows. I feel sick wondering what's happening. After all this, now there's a fire problem at my house. We arrive to see the power company and a fire truck outside. Power crews and firemen are checking out the house. My mom and sister are out by the driveway, holding the puppy with a very shaken look on their faces. My house, however, looks fine. We pull up to a fireman who explains the line to the telephone pole frayed and caught fire, causing a small fire to the siding. The power company put it out and the fire department, who was up the street responding to a similar call (Remember what my cousin said?) is inspecting the house. My dad starts cursing and losing his temper, and my mom is starting to cry also. No one was hurt, but it shook us up alot. They let us back in, and say they'll restore our power as soon as they find the problem. Disappointed, I was going to go to bed when I noticed the power company came back to our pole to work on it again. A few mniutes later, the power came back. Everyone calmed down, and things were back to normal.

Well, sort of. The surge melted our cable lines, meaning no cable and no internet. We still had satellite, but my TV seems to be damaged by the surge. I'm not sure if I can fix it or not. For the next week or so, we must serve as a bed and breakfast for our neighbors. We lend my uncle's generator to one, and we let them use our showers and sleep in our heated house. They had to wait 12 days before power was restored.

So, I go back to school after missing an entire week. A fair amount of people didn't have power for awhile. A nearby school had it's gym roof collapse and it's brand new floor ruined. Well, now I have to look forward to this week, where I have a dance and a driving test on the same day. Hmm...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 9:16 PM
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Saturday, 11 October 2003
Hurricane Part 2
Now, we come to Tuesday... last week, mind you.

I hang around for a couple hours, trying to stave off boredom. I make one of my bike runs around the block which I end up doing numerous times to see if there's any power trucks in the area. I then get ready to work at the only McDonalds that's open in the metro area.

I arrive to see the drivethru already backed up to the street. My mom drops me off in the middle of the road, unable to get in the driveway. You see where this is going. I go inside and see the line is backed to the rear entrance. I enter the kitchen and join the madness.

There are people from nearby towns assisting us becuase their McDonalds still has no power. Yesterday the store came to the brink of closing due to lack of food, and there was a lack of change until I showed up, so the store would now have no trouble functioning. So, I join the chaotic scramble, reminiscent to the hospital scenes in the Pearl Harbor movie. We can barely move around, and the store is a busy as posible for a few hours.

Amazingly, things actually died down in the afternoon. At that point, the manager gave me some fresh air constantly sending me outside to change the 20 freaking garbages outside. You wouldn't believe the things people put in there. Bags of recyclables, empty potato sacks, other household garbages, it's like someone got their garbage service cut off and drives around at midnight looking for places to ditch their garbage.

I learn that school is cancelled again tommorow, and even though I was scheduled for that day, I volunteered to come in 5 hours earlier, noon, to help out. I go home to generator power and get a quick fix of TV before my dad has to return it. I join him to my cousin's house, and by the time I get home, I can go to bed.

WEDNESDAY: Did I mention this is my 17th birthday? Yep, spent it working all day. I was supposed to have my driving exam, which was still scheduled to happen, but I had to change it. It's now on the 16th, in the afternoon, the day of the school dance.

Things were crazy at first, but died down totally by ther afternoon. Still alot of people with no power, it surprised me no one was coming here as lately people have been looking for provisions or at least a meal that isn't soup cooked over a barbecue. Areas around my work are starting to regain power. On my break, I went downstairs with a friend of mine who works there. Suddenly, the power goes out. It's pitch black in the staff room, but comes back on in a few minutes. I think I put salt in my drink.

Tommorow, I guess I'll tell you the shocking conclusion to the power outage. Things did get quite crazy the next day...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 9:31 PM
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