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The life Of CyberMan16
Saturday, 27 September 2003
Buster, shut up.
And stop biting me. God, I can't wait for my mom to get home and take care of that dog.

Well, I got that Friday shift over with. Long? Yes. I got my probation review that night, meaning they now need a good reason to fire me. I also get the discount card, and possibly a raise. My review was good, I'm pretty well set in now. We were also expecting about 500 people from a church group. 3000 people were coming into Sackville, and spread out around the fast food restuants in the area, I guess. However, nothing happened. We had a few scores of people, but it was quiet. I even got to leave 15 minutes early.

Today, however, was brutal. I got up 6 hours later. Apparently they called to see if they could have me in at 6. Hell no. Glad my dad didn't bother to wake me up to ask. It was pretty busy, people yelling, especially for fries. Dammit, man! They're cooking! Give me a break!

Hell, one lady told me not to say the word "shoot". I dropped something, and said "shoot, I'll pick that up". She said "Don't use that word. That's the 5th time today I've heard it. You shouldn't say "shoot" in front of kids." (she had a toddler with her) I thought she must have been joking. I mean, shoot? She must have been sarcastic. So I said "Well, it helps me not say words that I'd rather say but can't". Then she gets angry and says "Well, if you don't like your job, don't work here!" Jeez, why didn't I think of that? I'll just quit my job and do what I've always dreamed of! Hey, it must be great never having a bad day. Not too many people can not have bad days, especially when they have kids. God, I wanted to flip out at her. Hey, why don't you try working, bitch? I'm a student, you think I can work wherever I want? God, my mind was just boiling...

Well, I've been counting down the days, now. Only 4 more days till my 17th birthday, and I'm getting my lisence on the same day. So... yeah. We'll see what happens.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 9:00 PM
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Thursday, 25 September 2003
Dane Cook is funny.
Well, for starters, I just realized who has been leaving the comments here under the name "Christina" ... Christina. Yeah. I didn't know anyone was actually going to my website, let alone clicking on that link. Thanks alot... I'd show you all the website, but it's only on the school server, all made with HTML on notepad. Pretty sweet. Yeah.

So, I didn't have to go to school today. Sick? No, better than that, my sister is sick. So, I have to babysit her. I've done this on numerous occasions, this time I was just putting on my sneakers to leave when I could hear from upstairs "Would you rather Joey stay here?" Hell yes. And of course, she barely needs any looking after. I just treat today like another day off.

I went to work last night. I ended up taking a shift for Friday, which kinda sucks, but I couldn't say no. Well, I could, but I just didn't think I should. The guy now owes me a favor like taking a shift or something. It's 5pm-1am, so it's only about an hour of backshift work, then I leave. And I have to get up 8 hours later to work again.I was looking forward to a Friday off, but, well... I do kinda owe the guy for all the crap I put him through on my final backshift.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 3:44 PM
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Tuesday, 23 September 2003
Hey Tubbs! I just lost my jengajams!
Ah, Homsar. Where did you go wrong?

Anyway, about that last shift I did. You wouldn't believe the amount of stress a McDonald's drivethru can give you. I was put on it quickly, and for some reason, it was busy. Very busy. Cars were backed up, and for some reason, the other guy there would not take me off drivethru. He's far more experienced than me, and while I got alot of training in, then was hardly the time for training. It was causing serious backups, and people were impatient. You'd want a training doctor giving you a checkup, not doing brain surgery.

One car was full of very stoned and drunk teenagers fresh from a bar. For the first 10 minutes I was struggling to understand what they wanted, they just kept shouting random things, acting like total morons. I finally had no choice but to send them up and complete their order at the window so I could free up more cars. At the window, they were even more idiotic and pretty much threw change at me. I just couldn't take it anymore and just took what they gave me (about a few dollars short) and stuffed it in the till, got their food and got them the hell out. They screwed things up alot, holding me back about 20 minutes for them alone.

Things piled up quickly and I got very overwhelmed. This happened on and off till about 4am, when things finally died down. This time I felt okay, I wasn't sick and I wasn't even all that tired. But man, you have no idea how glad I am to be rid of that. I had a shift a couple days later that was 8 hours long, my longest yet. Amazingly, time flew. I was a presenter for drivethru, meaning I just give them food and pour drinks in my little alcove. I even have all the drinks I want for free available to me. Pretty cool.

Anyway, today at school we had a motivational speaker/knife juggler at an assembly. Notbad, although the unicycle stunt he pulled was obvioudly staged, since his "random audience volunteer" happened to be a die hard biker, so I get the feeling it was planned. After almost suffocating from the heat, I left and just hung ou twith people during a free, including a girl who thought I looked like my name was Tyler. Yeah.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 10:04 PM
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Monday, 22 September 2003
My friends keep saying that word for some sad, unknown reason...

Well, work has been alright recently. However, in my absence, I have battled with a new enemy: Graveyard shifts. Why I agreed to do them I don't know, but I did my first one two weeks ago. I was nervous about the idea, not sure how I'd take it. The last time I stayed up all night was a year ago for a school trip, and didn't sleep in the morning either. I never can, I hate sleeping in the light.

So I went. I was put on drivethru, which I have yet to do. It took me awhile to understand it, but it wasn't too bad, I just didn't liek the system. At night, McDonalds only uses one of the two windows, meaning I have to do pretty much all the drivethru work with taking orders and money. It was full of stoners, and there were only 3 other people in the resturant. It was a quiet and long night.

However, my body didn't like it. Arriving at 11pm I felt tired on the drive there. Soon, I was starting to feel uncomfortable. At 5pm or so, I was sitting down on a break reading a newspaper, when I started to feel dizzy. I had been feeling uncomfortable most of the night, not eating anything during my breaks. I think the newspaper made me dizzy after being up and running around so much, similar to the way I always feel sick if I read while in a car.

I held on for about 45 minutes, then couldn't take it anymore. I only had 15 mniutes left, so they let me clock out early and wait in the staff room, my stomach hurting and I felt pretty sick. My dad showed up soon and I went home. Contrary to what I said about sleeping in the mornings, as soon as I got home I passed out on my bed. Almost instantly. I vowed I'd get rid of those shifts as soon as possible, but my name was already down for another just last Friday. Well, I spoke with a manager on my next shift and got it taken care of, but I still had to do my last one. Stay tuned tommorow (hopefully) to see what happened... or something.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 10:37 PM
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Tuesday, 16 September 2003
Oh, what the hell...
I have nothing better to do, might as well give you the second update now.

I went to the first dance on the year last Thursday. I've been worried as hell that I would miss it due to work, but I didn't. Plus, even if I had to work, I am allowed to get someone to take my shift for any reason I want. So, that's no longer a worry. Me and my friends love to go to dances. Actually, just me and one of my friends. Usually, I have to hang out with just him unless a few others show up, which they usually don't.

Anyway, it was crowded as hell. The grade nines have completely infested the school. When the first slow song came on, something very unexpected happened. I was walking around, looking for someone to ask, when someone grabs my arm and asks me to dance. Odd enough, since girls asking guys has been rather uncommon lately. Even more odd, this was a girl in my grade, and I know most of them. I don't often dance with girls I know. Finally, to top the whole thing off, I go to class with this girl. She doesn't talk to me but knows who I am. She's one of the last people I'd expect to do that.

Did I mention she has a kid? Yep, she was pregnant last year. Man, she sure got her figure back awfully quick, having given birth 3 months ago. I ask "So, uh... you were in my class last year?" "Yep" Well, that confirms it. She was in my class last year. The song ends two seconds later, and says "Oh, well, I'll find you later, then" and leaves. Now I'm just freaked. Since when did she like me? She's got a pretty ugly face, I should add. Anyway, that fizzled out. She never bothered, despite running past me several times. I still have no idea why she asked me, but, oh well. A mystery, I guess, but I don't really want to know anyway. My conclusion? Stoned. Very stoned. It happens, some girls I know can act perfectly normal while high.

Also that night, this freaky girl I know told me and my friend to ask to save a dance for her. Yeah, okay, whatever, if I find you, I'll do it, but I didn't take it too seriously. Hell, she's usually too busy helping her firends who seem to have constant issues. My friend, however, took it seriously. He waited a couple times, but finally gave up, but he never got a chance to dance with anyone. He was furious, but is okay now. I had a couple other dances that night too, and the rest of the night was pretty good, althoughI felt really bad for my friend.

The next one is on the 16th of October. Can't wait, something werid ALWAYS happens at dances. I discovered this last year, I expect the unexpected, and boy, does it happen. Maybe I'll tell you one of the strange happenings from last year. Meh, later.

Oh yeah, that interview? Went okay. Probably won't get it, and I'd be fine if I didn't. I like where I am now, it fits well for me, and I'm working in the town I used to live in that I long to return to, so I'm happy. I won't know if I was declined till October anyway, when they'll be doing more interviews.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 9:34 PM
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*puff* I'M BACK! I'M BACK!!!
Sorry, I'm still here! Kinda didn't feel like updating lately. Yes, some stuff has happened. I won't post it all now, since you don't want to read a huge post, so I'll just tell you some more stuff later.

Anyway, I can now give you some solid ideas about this year. Firstly, I don't like my English teacher. She's a strict, no nonsense bitch who says we can't have opinions in this class because they are unimportant and waste class time. We're also numbers, not names. We're really not on the same level as her. Yet, most long time students of her say she's really good. Apparently, she gives out bonuses every now and then that make people like her. Once she had a movie class and even ordered pizza. Us, she gave us 5 points on the term for doing an easy assignment that she said was to her satisfication. Uh huh...

Global History's not so bad. I'm in a better group now, I guess it's okay. I'm meeting new people in it, so it's all good.

Free class is still relaxing, and I have it with plenty of friends. However, there is one day when my friend who I usually spend those periods with isn't there (which is tommorow, actually) so, while I may be stuck by myself, it gives me a chance to do other things and talk to other people. With him, I'm usually just in the cafeteria playing cards with some other people. So I guess it's a plus.

Computer Related Studies is pretty cool. Nice people, funny teacher, and they teach us some interesting stuff.

I also got my second semester schedule. Biology, Math, Free and Sociology in that order. So far, no one I know on any of those. I haven't really checked much, though. I won't have any regulars on my free next semester either, so what happens then will be interesting.

Lunch time is always good since we have a friend with a car now, it's such a relief not to have to walk every day (except on those days when he goes home, as I mentioned earlier). speaking of which, I finally got my full lisence test scheduled. October 1st, my 17th birthday. I've had my doubts about it, but I know my instructor said I do handle a car well, and my mom is usually impressed with my driving. She says I may accelerate too much, but since I'll only be driving about 45 kilometers an hour, (5 below the limit in the testing area) I don't think I'll have a problem.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 9:10 PM
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Wednesday, 3 September 2003
First day back...
Today was the first day of school. Actually, I should mention first I had my interview on Tuesday (it had to be rescheduled) and it went quite well. Yeah.

Now, I get to the busstop to see it has now pretty much doubled with new grade nines. I arrive at school, get my schedule, and reunite with my friends. I am pleased to see that a couple friends of mine have returned, and after comparing schedules, it appears this will be quite the year.

First was English. My teacher seems to have some mental problems (no joke) and I don't know why she teaches. But, it's not a bad class.

Then my free. Yay. Best of all, my friends from last year's free class are on my free again. My other friend has a free with me, and the class before it. He was going to get that changed so he'll be able to have one both semesters (you only get two) but decided 2-3 hours of classtime a day sounded pretty sweet, and decided to leave it as is.

Then lunch. It's been a routine to walk down to McDonald's or the local grocery store to buy lunch. We hate hanging around at school and this kills all the time. The walk is about 12 mniutes both ways. Usually a leisurely stroll during the warm months, but it's a death walk during winter, even though it's still worth it. However, now, my other friend has a car. It's awesome. A drive to McDonalds every day, you can't imagine how much easier that makes things, especially for winter.

After lunch, I had Global History. This course I'm not sure about. The teacher is good, I've had her before, and I like history, but I don't know anyone in that class. I'm also in an awkward seating position. Not much potential to meeet new people. I left my bookbag in an empty row and figured I'd see who I'd end up sitting with. Well, it's a close knit group of girls who moved my bookbag to the end of the row. Just great. Oh well, I'm just fine for my other classes.

Then my last period is Computer Related Studies, or CRS. The teacher is cool and I have alot of friends in this class. Basically, this class teaches programming, which I probably won't pursue later in life, but will be interesting.

So, this was a brief description of a pretty cool and exciting day. Now, I have a new goal. My last goal of getting a job is done. This year, I plan on getting a girlfriend. Not sure where to start, I'm not in the best position to meet new people now (but it's still early. Who knows) however, On Friday my friend that I hang out with during my free is going home by the time my free starts, since he has his non free classes first, and then free the rest of the day. I'll take that opprotunity to wander around and see if there's anyone else on my free Ican hang out with.

In case you didn't know, a free is a class where you do whatever you want. Hang around the school, cafeteria, it's just like skipping. You don't exist. Anyway, if things don't work out, there's always next semester, where I can start off fresh.

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 8:38 PM
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Sunday, 31 August 2003
Today was quite the day. I actually had a GOOD day at work. Nothing screwed up majorly. Things were pretty smooth, I got another free meal at break, 3rd time in a row. I also got paid, finally, a decent amount of money, $146, not too bad. Also, the power went out for about 5 seconds. Yeah.

I thought since there's only a week left of summer, the excitement is over. I'll probably have a quiet week like the last summer, and then back to school, where things pick up again. Well, no, looks like things aren't stopping. Before I left, I used the phone there to call Wendy's. I was told to call there because I had to talk to the store manager to see if she had looked at my resume, and she decided to book an interview right away, for Monday at 3pm. So we're back in business now, hopefully I can ditch McDonalds for a better job.

I have nothing that I know of to do Sunday, Monday is my interview and Tuesday I have to work, and Wednesday is back to school. Looks like things won't be too quiet after all...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 12:07 AM
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Thursday, 28 August 2003
Well, situation defused. My mom and sister picked up the puppy. My mom talked to him last nigfht about it, but still didn't mention it was coming today. They left and brought it home, and I was relieved to know my mom stopped in at my dad's workshop to show it to him. He's home now, and not keen about it, but at least he's not really angry.

The puppy's name is Buster. They named him in the car, and he's a Shipoo, or however you spell it. Here's small, quite furry with a borwn and white face and a black and white body. Very cute, it's a nice dog. My sister takes care of it, but it still cries and whines.

Anyway, I went to get my haircut today, and after that, my mom had to pick up a sub for my dad. I noticed that a local meat shop was hiring, so I decided to see if I was eligable to be hired. They said I was fine and would only need a resume, but suggested I come in tommorow to give the resume to the store manager personally, as she perfers that. I'm also getting my road test reciept, finally.

Well, I'll have a whole new thing to talk about soon, rather than just jobs. Grade 12 begins in a week...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 10:03 PM
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Wednesday, 27 August 2003
I feat the shit is going to hit the fan here. We're getting a puppy. Since my neighbors got one, my mom has wanted one. Now she wants one. But guess what?

My dad doesn't. Oh no. We have a cat, which my dad is fairly calm with now. He doesn't mind her, but he's shown great protest against a dog. He says it's too much of a mess. He doesn't like animals that much, and says he's not willing to clean up the shit and all the other stuff involved. Now, me, my mom and sister are willing to make sure he doesn't have to lift a finger for this dog, but he refuses to believe it.

My dad knows the dog is coming, since my mom ordered it two months ago. What he doesn't know is it's coming Thursday. She has to drive about 2 hours to pick it up. Now I'm worried. If there's one thing I hate it's seeing my dad throw a fit, and he has an explosive temper. I'm just scared to see how he'll react.

I really don't care about the dog. if it were up to me, I wouldn't get it. I really have no use for one. My cat is enough. I'm just praying he'll react calmly to it. That's not likely, but all I can do is pray...

Posted by super/rpgmaker at 12:22 AM
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