• We say "future" homeowner because if you're like most Americans, you don't really own your home, your lender does. You actually own a mortgage.

    The sad thing is that your lender will still own over 50% of your home after you've been making payments for over 23 years on your 30 year mortgage.

    This software will automatically, and confidentially, analyze your mortgage to show you how you can save thousands of dollars, and own your home years earlier without refinancing or increasing your mortgage payments - and there's nothing for you to purchase, so relax, we're not selling anything, now or in the future.

    Before you analyze your mortgage, let's take a look at the ugly facts of a 30 year conventional mortgage, the facts your lender would rather you didn't know:

  • Without increasing your current monthly payment, you can save thousands of dollars and own your home years earlier by having your mortgage professionally managed...


    NO Refinancing!

    NO Credit Reports!

    NO Home Appraisal!

    NO Closing Costs!

    NO Change of Lender!


    Our FREE Mortgage Management Service does not change "what" you pay, but restructures "how" you pay, and how those payments are applied to the outstanding balance due on your mortgage. Everything is done for you automatically so it's very easy, convenient, and it allows you to...

  • For example, a $500 "monthly" payment becomes a $250 "biweekly" payment. Instead of writing a check each month, your biweekly mortgage payments are electronically debited from your bank account through a division of the Federal Reserve.

    2. We manage your escrow account held at America's largest bank. The bank will electronically transfer your bi-weekly mortgage payments into this account per our instructions where it can begin accumulating savings that are applied directly to your principal. Your mortgage payments are made for you automatically from this account.

    3. We prepare all the required paperwork each month for the transfers.

    4. We notify your lender each month with specific instructions and

    procedures to execute your mortgage savings.

    How will these changes save you money?

    Within just a few months of restructuring your monthly mortgage payments to biweekly payments, your account will begin to build a surplus of savings that will amount to the equivalent of one extra payment each year. This quickly reduces the amount you owe, and builds your equity 300% faster.

    There are approximately 4.3 weeks in each month. A biweekly mortgage schedule allows you to take advantage of this .3 week each month and gradually build a savings in your account automatically without actually increasing your payment. Even though you won't notice any change in your payments or that you're generating savings, your mortgage sure will.

    Each month, through electronic transfers and verified checks, your regular mortgage payment will automatically be paid, and all the credit your account has accumulated will be applied directly to your loan's principal.

    Now lets find out exactly how much you can save. You will need to download the program FREE to find out. The following is an example of savings on a typical loan of $89,500.00 at 8.5%. that has almost 30 years left to pay on. You will need to put in your specific loan information to calculate your own savings. The program is small (less than 1 mb) and downloads in just a couple of minutes so why not do it now?

    (Ok, I know this looks too good to be true. If you don't believe this could possibly work type bi-weekly mortgage in your search engine and see how many sites you find. Most of them will CHARGE YOU for the exact same service we provide for FREE! You may find another distributor for this same program since I am not the only distributor. I just hope you do me the courtsey of downloading it here. You see my commission which is small is made from the cash flow funneling through the bank on the way to your lender)<

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    Look At What The Experts Say

    WALL STREET JOURNAL - "A $70,000 mortgage at 10.5% annual interest produces savings of $60,000 when repaid on a bi-weekly schedule."

    CONSUMER REPORTS - "Whether you already have a mortgage or are in the market for a new loan, you can probably save tens of thousands of dollars by using a bi-weekly mortgage schedule."

    PARENT - "The simple fact is that a bi-weekly mortgage schedule not only saves the homeowner a bundle, but makes him or her a homeowner much sooner."

    NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS - "Bi-weekly payments are 'pro-consumer' because they correspond to America's paydays making mortgage payments much easier for homeowners who are on a tight budget or have a difficult time saving money."

    WASHINGTON POST - "IT PAYS TO CHECK LOANS FOR OVERCHARGES; Of 9,000 Adjustable Rate Mortgages checked, errors were found in nearly half. Average refund owed to the homeowner: $1,588.00."

    Download Now I AM WAITING!


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