“Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do!”

It’s unbelievable how many times I hear this said by Christians/Messianics in defense of the Pharisees (ultra-Orthodox Jews) who have exhibited ungodly behavior, including criminal acts. But, never in my life have I heard anyone say that about any other people group! When growing up in NYC, never did I hear someone say “Forgive that Black guy for he knows not what he does”, or that Puerto Rican, or Italian guy! In Israel, I’ve never heard it said in reference to the Palestinians, Russian Jews or Ethiopian Jews. Hmmm!

Iran: Saudi Arabia: Note: This is not good PR (public relations) or multi cultural etiquette… agree?
Some other flags have the same colors, but with this ad printed in the Jerusalem post, the Arabs may take it somewhat of a personal insult.
Italy: Hungary: