In the name of my freedom of speech /

Rebekah Frei

Friday afternoon, the 20th of May 2005, about a dozen people sat outside a private club, located in the market square, with a tasty meal and pleasant music. When suddenly the peaceful setting was disrupted by tens of men, dressed in black, their faces twisted with hatred that came as if out of nowhere while yelling and cursing the shocked diners. The kids were rushed in. The people that remained outside, so few against a group so big and threatening encouraged each other while standing together facing the mob.

What is actually going on here?

God, who is the source of Good, and its center, chose Israel and made them His own by grace. The Jews have always been persecuted by people who so clearly belonged to the Other Side that hated them for their faith and for their belonging to God.

There are some Jews that are still being persecuted for their faith. Those people believe that God, that so loves His creation, in His grace, opened a very narrow gate through which those who weren’t born Jews can enter the nation of Israel – the Chosen Nation. They believe that that gate is the Jewish Messiah – Yeshua, who many call, “Yeshu” – a derogatory name that was given to Him by those who hated Him and means, “His memory and name be eradicated.”

They believe with all their hearts, in their love to all those who were created in the Image of God, and they are persecuted for it, and by whom?

By those who pretentiously claim to represent God and His way, but their hearts are so full of hatred to those who weren’t born Jews, that they persecute their brethren; because they confuse their Jewish brethren with those other people, that so clearly belonged to the Other Side, who also pretentiously claimed to represent God, and their hearts were so full of hatred to those who weren’t born like them that they slaughtered the different – the Jews.

Is History repeating itself? Are those Jews going to be the victims of the next slaughter?