Water Run & Chess!

I called my Romanian friend and asked him if he wanted to hang with me on the January 1st. That I was visiting an Israeli couple who dwell in the desert among the Bedouins. And then afterwards, I’d be picking up our Russian chess team and on to Beersheva for a tournament game.

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My friend was all for it.

My Romanian friend is very thrifty with money, he really has to make it stretch. When I stopped to purchase two 6 packs of large bottles of water, he didn’t understand! I said it was for the couple we were visiting. He still didn’t understand.

When we arrived, he than discovered that they had neither running water nor a brook nor stream to fetch any from!

On the way home my friend looked like he was holding back the tears. I asked if he was okay. He said, “Those people could die out there!”

I said, “Yes, I know. Every now and then we need to check on them.”

Edwin Beckford

For His Name & His Glory, Eddie & Lura Maiman Beckford, Congregation Yeruel, Arad, Israel.
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