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Days since I have never kissed a girl: 1

Yes, Sadly it is true. But it doesn't make any difference. Cause we don't care about that...

Boobs are good... the very sound of the word perks me right up.

This may or may not surprise you, but this page is going to be primarily text.


I drew a picture, I think I'm going to put it at the bottom of this page. so go ahead and look down there.

About me

I'm not going to reveal a lot about myself in this page, because only special people are deserving of that.
If you want to know the deeper aspects of me... talk to me, and its a possibility.
I like all kinds of music except for extremely gothic bullshit, that's just lame. and uh, I like movies and stuff, and I like yogurt and board games as well.
Chick movies are all cool... except for bring it on. That movie was a shame to all American film.
I don't know why I am writing with the line over my text. I will stop now. 

Is that better?


I am currently (10-25-02) Living in Bethany Oklahoma, But I will soon be moving to Burrton, Kansas (11-15-02)

I will miss my friends a lot, but I am also going back to some important friends, so either way, things work out against me, which is actually the story of my life.

But we Don't care about that.

But uh, Truth is I have never technically had a girlfriend, PER SAY.
But It doesn't mean I would be afraid to try.. anytime now...

I think that music goes in a cyclic phase.

1. First you like it a lot. Its new
2. Then it is old and you no longer like it as much.
3. Then it is REALLY old and its almost a joke to play it on the radio.
4. THEN, there is now when you look back and it is an awesome song again and you wonder how you ever stopped liking it.

But that's just me.

Anyway, if this wasn't enough to make you want to talk to me, I don't know what is. Want my picture, just ask me for it.