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Hey everyone this page is so I may display all my awesome prom pics to those of you who wish to see them. I hope you guys enjoy them. Prom 2001 was a blast

ABOVE: This pic is of Ben and I at prom. Its my favorite prom pic because it came out the best :)

ABOVE: This is Josh and I. He is deffinately one of my favorite seniors. Hes "cool shit" !!

ABOVE: These are the "guys".

ABOVE: Jason and Ashley. They look so good!

ABOVE: This is Kristen and I. We became best buds in Europe. We had so much fun together.

ABOVE: This is Pat and I.

ABOVE: Me and Meredith sharing a kodak moment. I am glad she could make it. i wish she would come back to Stark :)

ABOVE: left to right: in the Back: Russell, Chuck, Sean. Front: Adam, Jason, Pat. Nice hats cowboys!

ABOVE: My friends Lindsey and Jess. I love Jess's hair!

Want to see pics from last years prom? CLICK HERE

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