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Emerging from a thick wood...

You walk up a dusty pathway, stopping in front of a large castle. The wooden drawbridge is lowered, providing passage over the swift gurgling moat. The castle seems almost deserted, no guards standing at the open gate, no people visible. You slowly walk across the drawbridge and into the empty courtyard, your footsteps seeming to echo on the cobblestone.

A lone servant scuttles up to you and bows. “Excuse me, would you please come this way, visitor?” With his insistent gesturing, you follow him through a side door and down a corridor with various servants rushing along to a vast dining hall. Your escort bows to the girl sitting at the head of the table, “The visitor, Your Highness.” “Thank you. You may return to your duties. Come, please sit.” She gestures to the chair beside her. “We have not had a visitor in such a long time. I am the Princess Lillian Elaine, Mistress of the Kay Palace, in which you stand, named after my mother. We are just about to start our evening meal, won’t you join us?”

Well, I made it into a rpg! Sign up! C'mon it's fun and I need more members!! hehe... Anyways, sign up! We're just starting; ya can jump in at anytime! -L, GM of Ilyanif


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