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If you want reasons to feel proud of being a Hindu,or wish to know its greatness,then this site is for you!

Introduction! Contents
Welcome to this non-profit making educational site.

Due to ignorance and false propoganda about Hindu culture, most people in todays world have a big misconception about Hinduism.

This site is dedicated to make the open minded people of todays modern age, understand the Hindu traditions, beliefs, and rituals, 'Practically', 'Logically' ,and 'Scientifically'!!

The word Hinduism was given to the Indian way of life by the foreigners.But Hinduism is known in sanskrit the most ancient language as 'Sanathan Dharma'.Sanathan dharma is not a religion but a "Eternal Law" Of Life.That is why its called sanathan which means 'Eternal' and Dharma means 'Law' or 'Code'.Sanathan dharma existed right from the beggining of this world.It is being followed by hindus from times immemorial.Hindu Scriptures we can say contains the Laws of Nature.Hinduism can also be called a Natural law of life.Due to this fact many western scientists have been astonished by the great Sceintific achievements of Ancient Vedic civilisation. And have been involved in studying the hindu scriptures to learn the many secrets of nature which the modern science has yet to discover.
Vedic Maths is today taught in Oxford and Harward universities of the west. Ayurveda is helping the doctors cure many diseases which couldnt be cured by western medicines.People are astonished to know that the 'Ashoka Pillar' which was built near Delhi 2500 years back which is made of Iron till today has not got even a single scratch of rust on it.Despite the fact that it has been exposed to rains,winters and summers for more than 2 and half Millenniums now.Further archealogists have been stunned at the discovery of the fact that more than 2000 years back Acharya Sushrut performed Plastic surgery in India.More info regarding the scientific achievements of Ancient india can be seen in the first article of this site.This is why the western scientists have admitted that "In today's world where science is replacing every religion, its only Vedas that is helping science to move further!"

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