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Jesus Lives!
KelBell's Site


Updated August 14 @1:21pm

In an hour and 20 mins I have to go babysit two little children I do NOT fun. Atleast it's only for two hours, that's better than if it was like all day....blehk I can't even imagine! Me and Nathalie got my quiz to work!!! hurray! So click on the NEW quizzes link and you will be able to take my quiz and click the little buttons and all that fun stuff. Soon I will have more quizzes too. Ok so go take my quiz and then e-mail me what you got or put it in the guestbook.

Go Here to see Wade's awesome page about preps and punks!!

~Shout Outs and Inside Jokes~ ~All About Me~ ~Inside Jokes~ ~Pass On my site!~ ~Links to Cool Sites~ ~An event calendar for Church of Christ at Manor Woods!!~ ~My Quotes~ ~Pictures~ ~Funny Convos~ ~My WebJournal~ ~NEW Quizzes!~ ~My Opinions~ ~Stuff I Write~

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