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PuZzLeS By SaM lOyD

*~*~*~*Puzzling Prattle*~*~*~* Two children, who were all tangled up in their reckoning of the days of the week, paused on their way to school to straighten matters out. "When the day after tomorrow is yesterday," said Priscilla, "then 'today' will be as far from Sunday as that day was which was 'today' when the day before yesterday was tomorrow!" On which day of the week did this puzzling prattle occur? *~*~*~*

*~*~*~*Dividing The Spoils*~*~*~* After gathering 770 chestnuts, the three little girls divided them up so that their amounts were in the same proportion as their ages. As often as Mary took four chestnuts, Nellie took three, and for every six that Mary received, Susie took seven. How many chestnuts did each girl get?*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*The Hare And The Tortoise*~*~*~* A sportive young hare and a tortoise raced in opposite directions around a circular track that was 100 yards in diameter. They started at the same spot, but the hare did not move until the tortoise had a start of one eighth of the distance (that is, the circumference of the circle). The hare held such a poor opinion of the other's racing ability that he sauntered along, nibbling the grass until he met the tortoise. At this point the hare had gone one sixth of the distance. How many times faster than he went before must the hare now run in order to win the race?*~*~*~*

ClIcK hErE FoR AnSwErS

MaIn mEnU

MaIn PaGe
uNaNsWerAbLE qUeStIoNs
eAsY bRaIn tEaSeRs
mEdIuM BrAiN tEaSeRs
HaRd bRaIn TeAsErS
oPtIcAl iLLuSiOnS 1
OpTiCaL iLLuSioNS 2
oPtIcAl iLLuSioNs 3
QuIcK qUeStIoNs
wHo Am I?
lEaVe tHe sItE

SoMe OtHeR gOoD SiTeS!

aLl AbOuT BeanIe bAbIeS!
A BrIlLiAnT ViRtUaL cOmMuNiTy!