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Non-DS & Links
+ Mail Stacie
+ Official DS Site
+ Official Jesse Site
+ Official Greg Site
+ Sign my 'book
+ Claudia's Pics

- Matt Ballinger
- Frankie Galasso
- Jesse McCartney
- Greg Raposo
- Chris Trousdale



Credits go out to: Me, for making the web site. Dream Street, for giving me the inspiration to make this site., for always being a host to me when I don't have a better one. Megan & Tara & Mariel, for being there to bother when I needed someone to look at my site and to love DS with me. Rei, for being the first to sign my guestbook and look at my pretty new layout. Claudia Swan, for teaching DS those hot moves so I can drool over the video in the morning before school. Dream Street's 'people', who keep them in line and write the songs so I can listen to them while I'm bored or feeling down. Healthsouth, for getting Dream Street to perform on TV so I can watch them in action on my own video tape. DS' make-up artist for keeping them looking great. Evey & Odide, for introducing DS to me. Fan-jam, for bringing me and the dorkz together. Jesse McCartney, for being a big tv star and having a fan-jam board to bring the dorkz together. Nickelodeon, for knowing just when to show the DS commercial to brighten my day. Channel One News, for playing a ds song on all request thursday so I can freak out in class and tell all my friends about it. Mom, for putting up with me being a fan and having to learn their names, favorite colors, songs, etc.

Site Navigation
by Stacie
Just for reference:

- is a page that is NOT available
+ is a page that IS available

Note: They will also have the update white background and font.

I'm Stupid
by Stacie
Hahaha this is kind of funny. I was looking around for a good guestbook service (which I have found) and I took a look at my site and realized my update wasn't there. THEN I realized I hadn't saved it! So.. don't mind me if I'm stupid please. Haha.

Site Confusion
by Stacie
My host is back! I'm very happy. ^^

As you can see, my lovely site is always being updated (between the hours of 4:30 and 10:00 central time you should see some changes) so bear with me!

 D. O. R. K.

° ¤ Dream §treet Awards ¤ º





