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M & M at Thornbury Castle
Once a upon a time, Mirella had a (32nd) birthday present to be taken away for a romantic weekend away by her humble boyfriend, so here we are, a few images of our stay at Thornbury Castle.


Here is a view from the oldest Tudor garden in Britain, towards the castle wing we stayed in, The lovely bay windows 1st floor on the right are the windows of our room.

Mirella made a freind.

There are enclosed areas of the garden which we were assured in spring and summer are full of bloom.

This is a view of the four poster bed in our room.

Mirella treating it with usual maturity by playing trampoline on it.


Lord of the manor.

Marcus drinking the complimentary sherry in the room.

Inside view of the bay windows.

The bathroom had an original stained glass window.

For whatever reaon we had a very small annexe, which served no use other than enabling Mirella to play peek-a-boo!

Further pictures of the Tudor Gardens. Note the church on the left.

As we were so close to Bath, the weekend wouldnt have been complete without afternoon tea at the Bath pump rooms.

The view out of the far window looks over the original baths themselves. Very nice.