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X1's Fanfic Hub

Hello There,

If your looking for a Power Rangers Fanfic, you've come to the right place. My name's X1 Mask, and I am currently in the process of writing a long fanfic series which offers a different interpretation on the whole saga, by adding a new character. I also change a few ideas, some to closely resemble the Sentai, others to fit my personal interpretation. So just grab a bag of tortilla chips, fill up that glass of iced tea, and get ready to read ^_^

All you have to do know is choose which part you want to read first...

Episode 1 Up!

Coming Soon!

Coming not so Soon!

I added the first episode, but I didn't bother fixing the links yet :-)

Oh, and if someone knows how to do mouseovers... tell me ^^

Related Links


Power Rangers: The Lost Galaxy

A remake of the series "Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy" by Delta Red

Power Rangers: Time Force

A remake of the series "Power Rangers: "Time Force" by Delta Red

Power Rangers: The Quantum Legacy

A fanfic that takes place in an apocaliptic future, made by one of my online pals, Frax2001AD

Power Rangers: Legacy of the Galaxy

A fanfic series by RebelRanger which I did a little bit of artwork for

Power Rangers Central

The best PR site out there. It's where to go if your looking for PR information

Plasma Power

My EZBoard


A reviews site by Rebel Ranger

This site best viewed in 800X600 resolution in a good browser, like Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape 4. I don't own Power Rangers or any other copyright I may be infringining. This is for entertainment ourposes only and I am not making any money of it. That real cool sprite was made by DeltaRed. Most other images were made by me. Please ask permission before you use them.

If you can read this, you don't need glasses...