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Marvel Unlimited
8.19.01 - As of the wee hours of this morning, the MUX has been back up and running. Character re-app is in full swing. There are just a few things to note:

Once you put your character back together, you'll need to reapply using the +app command. Don't worry, all exisiting characters will be at the top of the list, but as was noted before, we need to look at everyone's app again to make sure no one takes advantage of the db crash.
The reapps should go pretty quickly, as we're only requiring one staff approval to be allowed back on the grid. Another staff member will be reviewing the app to recheck for any discrepancies.

Other than characters and a few places that are still missing from the grid (which I would love to know if you have logs of), the MUX is completely functional at this time.

Desc needs - A list of descs I still need!

Old News

8.15.01 - Well, as if that wasn't bad enough... the tape that the database was on is corrupted. So bye-bye MU database. It's gone.
Some MU* staffs would throw in the towel here, but not your faithful Marvel Unlimited staff! Never fear, we will never surrender! We will not give up the fight! --breaks into song-- "At first I was afraid, I was petrified..."
Right... shellshock, y'know?

The good news is that we have all of our soft code on record and thanks to Clarice (my new best friend), we have the public rooms on the grid as well! We're well on our way to being back already. If you (or anyone you know) has any logs at all that have room descs, player descs, or any player attributes, please cut those out of the log, paste them into an email to the MU Yahoo! Group so that people can recover their characters.

It may take a little while, but as I said online, never fear, faithful players, we will get back to New York, especially with all the help from both our wonderful staff and our wonderful players.

8.14.01 - The machine Marvel Unlimited runs off of died. Here is the news from Chimera on the state of the server:
On 8/13 at approximately 4:30am PDT, the hard drive of the machine known as 'kitfox' bit it. Big time. It will no longer spin up, and so the machine is unbootable, the data unretrievable.

Another machine was put into its place, and this temporary server put up to give status updates.

-- Update, 8/13: 12:00pm PDT: A new hard drive has been purchased. When the site owner gets off of work, this hard drive will be installed into the machine and the last backup restored onto it.

-- Update, 8/13: 2:30am PDT: Solaris is installed on the new drive, and the site owner is wiped out. Bed.

-- Update, 8/14: 9:15am PDT: Data is being pulled from the tape backup from 8/9, the site owner started it before going to work and it should be done by the time work is over.

-- Update, 8/14: 7:10 PDT: The tape drive is not working properly. The site owner believes it to be a problem with the configuration of the system, and is currently on the phone with technical support to determine what is going on.

-- Update, 8/14: 8:00 PDT: The problem with the tape drive (or more specifically, the pci scsi card) has been corrected. A new restore is proceeding without the errors that occurred before.

Needless to say, we're working hard at getting the database back in place. Kraken, the wonderful Theme'r, has all of the apps she reviewed in logs, so that data, at least, is retrievable though it was entered after 8.9.01.
The moral of that story is that I, Centaur, got really bored idling waiting for system updates and thus decided to create this web page. Driftwood after a storm? Maybe. We needed a web page, anyway.
Last updated 8.19.01 by Centaur