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šoš My first website award! šoš

Faith, Trust, and Pixiedust!!!

days until my Birthday!!!

Amanda is feeling The current mood of at today

šoš~~"Faith, trust, and pixiedust"!!~~šoš
(Some people just have to believe before they can spread their wings and fly)
Princess of Mardi Gras!!!!Ashley got the most beads!!!

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I have a special something for everyone! Remember those hidden pictures? Well, here is one that isn't very obvious but if you look long and hard you will see it. It helps to turn up your volume. Hint~ I find looking closer makes it easier to spot than far away. "What's Wrong"

Do you like to paint? If so try My Paint Page.
Still bored? These are always fun to look at!
Applet 1(lake)Applet 2(snow)Applet 3(water)


Do you love my Disney Script? You can get it
HERE! Haunted Mansion, Alien Encounter,
and Tomorrowland scripts coming soon!

MyLISTof Disney Classics!

Free Java applets provided by
JavaScript Kit

(Click on this picture!)

<BGSOUND SRC="audio/wish.mid">