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christian are I

*Have you ever*

  • been arrested? no...but if i do, it'll be because i stole an old lady's wheelchair

  • had sex? nope

  • stolen anything? yes, who hasn't?

  • cursed someone? no, but i've wanted to

  • killed someone? yes...

  • wanted to kill someone? yes

  • wanted to kill yourself?

  • cut yourself? other than accidentally, no.

  • cut your own hair? i think i did once, im not sure

  • eaten a bug? lol, yes i have

  • attended church? i attended this lil' spanish church for like a was horrible..

  • wanted to kiss someone? plenty o' times

  • wished a fictional character were real? yes, homer simpson...

  • read Dr. Seuss books? the man's a genius

  • sung karaoke? not really...

  • written a short story? yes, but as an assignment

  • beaten a child? lol. who do you think the person I killed is?

  • cried during a movie? no. oh wait, there was that time I saw Ghosts Of Mars, it made me cry cuz it sucked so much

  • had a crush on a teacher? pplenty o' times

  • gone to a concert? no, unless the rodeo counts

  • cursed God's name? all the time. GODDAMNIT!

  • ran away from home? no...i have no reason to

  • failed a grade? nope. im a genius

  • gone to a dance? yes, but i was dateless

  • eaten cat? no

  • cried at the death of an animal? no..

  • spoken another langauge? english, a semesters-worth of french, spanish, and Spanglish...

  • ridden a horse? when I was a wee lad

  • had a job? theatre is job-like, i want a job though...

  • driven a car? no..i need to learn

  • got in a fight with a friend? plenty o' times...

  • fired a gun? how do you think I killed the kid?

  • shot a bow and arrow? no

  • camped out in the woods? nope

  • been out of the country? yep...mexico

  • cleaned out kitty litter? nope...

  • smoked a cigarette? no, and dont plan to..

  • gotten drunk? i've never even been tipsy...

  • been in a mosh pit? no...

*Would you ever*

  • sacrifice yourself for someone? yes, and i would do it willingly

  • kill someone? i thought i told you I already did..

  • eat cat? i'm sorry but i'm not asian

  • run for president? yes, and I'll straighten this country out

  • asassinate someone for money? depends on whom...

  • kill yourself? it depends on the situation

  • kill an animal that was suffering? no. i cant kill an animal

  • burn a cross? WTF? no...

  • join the KKK? i'm sure they would love a hispanic in their clan.

  • kiss Edward Norton if you had the chance? hell to the naw..

  • go back in time? yes..

  • get a job at McDonald's? if pizza hut doesnt accept me..

  • molest a child? nope..

  • rape someone? pigs who rape deserve to die..

  • act in a movie? in a heartbeat

  • host a talk show? yes, AND I WOULD TOTALLY KICK DR.PHIL'S ASS!

  • sky dive? i would love to

  • bungee jump? yes

  • scuba dive? hell yeah

  • visit a rain forest? yes..

  • milk a cow? why would i need to milk your mom?

  • become a butcher? if i had no choice...