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Jami's Page

look It's me! haha

Hey everyone. Muh names Jami. But most people call me Jo or James or Joey or Josie. My birthday's comin up.. ;-) whatcha gettin me?!?!.. lol anyways I'm a sophmore at HAHS, the most boringest school ever! I'm into dirtbikes and watching motocross, they rock! I'm a cheerleader!! I play softball and soccer too. If ya wanna know anything else bout me look me up!

~*LoVe Is SoMeTiMeS MaGiC, bUt MaGiC iS jUsT iLlUsIoN!!!!*~

The motorama!! That was sooo much fun.. lol Ok for those of you that don't know what the motorama is your such a loser.. Anyways.. The motorama is in Harrisburg.. In this big building.. lol.. in the bottom its like a car show.. its pretty cool.. a whole bunch of stuff to do.. then in the arena part.. there are races.. Its very small but its still cool.. you'll have to go sometime.. Oh and I was just kidding about you being a loser.. Your actually pretty cool! lol

Softball Rocks!!

Wanna know how the motorama went?? It was soo much fun.. better than last year.. I can't wait until next year! I actually saw ppl that I knew.. Well first off Georgie brainwashed my lil brothers into KTM riders. Some guy thought I was going into the guys bathroom but really I was going for the soda machine.. lol.. All in all it was really cool!!

If ya wanna talk to me I have MSN, AOL(Jamileighn), and Yahoo! (jami_leigh07).

I took this Care Bear Quiz!! lol I love the Care Bears! They are soo cool.. lol.. Well not really, anyways.. These were my results.. lol


~*Now it's time to say hey to my people*~First the girls..

Heather S.**Hey! You are one of my bestest friends!! I know we have grown apart ALOT but that's ok.. but we've gone through alot I think.. we've been best friends since birth lol can you believe it?? almost 15 years! wow thats a really long time..**

Courtney Q.**Hey! Never ever forget some of the stupid stuff we did.. I dunno if I'd survive if you'd move somewhere else.. lol.. We have our many fights, I know, but thats ok.. its all good.. lol

Whitney D.**Hey! I cant believe you moved all the way to Missouri! But that's ok, I got to come visit you! I had soo much fun.. I can't wait until next year.. Me and Brett are gonna come out lol

Erin H.**Hey! I dont know you all that well but your really cool.. We need to get together sometime.. lol and yes.. I haven't met him.. lmao!!

Jess P.**Hey!! Your are one Crazy person!! lol.. You need to come back to cheerleading!!.. but I understand why you arent.. lol.. You skipped Manager practice AGAIN?!?! lol.. We had fun in softball.. I can't wait until next year.. You and Laura gotta come out too! lol

Erin B.**Hey.. you are a crazy person who has your own way of doin things.. lol.. the last few days of school was awesome! I got to know ya better.. and we are the nest at Monopoly! lol

Laura D.**Hey Laura! You and Jess gotta come out before school starts! lol.. Cheerleading was fun but I'm gonna miss ya not being there.. lol.. I'll live I think.. lol Good luck w/ Justin.. Tell him hi for me too..

Lizzie F.**hey Lizzie.. You and Courtney are the same size!! lol.. thats soo cool.. lol.. We had fun in softball.. You are so funny! lol

Courtney M.**Hey.. I miss you soo much!! I don't know what I'm gonna do.. It's hard sometimes.. It's so sad you had to leave.. I'll always remember you!! RIP.. Love ya

Lacy Y.**Hey Lace.. You can be crazy sometimes.. lol.. I still never got to see those pics from the Poconos.. lol Good luck in All-stars and you better ride the bus this year cause Courtney won't be.. lol

Kristin W.**Hey! You moved to the Valley and now you won't be in any of my classes anymore.. that's soo sad cause we had alot of fun.. I'll miss ya.. you better come back tho! lol

Megan C.**Hey.. Good Luck in college.. You better not forget about me and all them memories.. but how could you?!? lol..

Niki S.** Hey!! I got to know you better this year.. I dont think I could survive without you in my gym class.. lol.. we make a great team.. lol

If I forgot ya let me know and you'll be on here just like that! lol

~*Now for the guys*~

Doug H.**Hey.. you still never bought me any candy at the races.. but maybe sometime you will.. lol

Dallas K.**Hey your a good friend.. We don't talk that much anymore but more than we used to I guess.. but your still a cool person.. I'll see ya at the races..

George**Hey.. I don't understand why you wanna get a fourstroke.. they are terribly loud.. lol.. that's ok tho.. I'll still take pics for ya.. I'll c-ya at the track but you gotta talk to me more.. lol

Drew E.**Hey.. I just got to know you this year and your pretty cool.. maybe I'll c-ya at Chris's or something.. and remember.. me and him are twins lol

Todd**Hey! I'm soo sorry I forgot about ya.. OOPS! Well Good luck with everything and all.. c-ya at the races

Shorty? lol**Hey.. I'm sorry I can't rememebr your name.. lol I had fun meeting you and goin mini golfing but you hit me in the head w/ the stupid ball! lol but that's ok.. I'll be back next year! lol

Brett P.**Hey.. You and me gotta drive out to see Whitney next year.. I said! lol and I wanna see these pics.. lol

Brian W.**Hey.. Sorry bout everything this year.. I was mean at times.. but your still a good friend..

Andy K.**Hey.. Always remember that I am the picture princess! lol

Chris B.**Hey! You are my twin!! lol Even tho your my cousin you can still be cool..

Randy B.**Hey You used to be really mean but now your nicer.. so what ya doing after school?? anything?? lol.. Thanks for sticking up for me..

Sorry if I forgot ya let me know!!

Hey look! It's another pic of me.. lol

~*OK! now if I forgot anyone let me know or if you don't want on here and you are let me now.. well anyways I'm gonna go now!!!! Oh and before I forget I like to feel special so you could email me.. I love getting e-mails from ppl.. but my addy's down below somewhere.. Oh yea Sign the book too!!*~

*If BaRbIe Is So PoPuLaR, wHy Do YoU HaVe To BuY AlL hEr FrIeNdS??*

Deegan's cool!! I need to find some more pics of Hart and all

Fly, fly little wing

Fly beyond imagining

The softest cloud, the whitest dove

Upon the wind of heaven's love

Past the planets and stars

Leave this lonely world of ours

Escape the sorrow and pain

And fly again

Fly, fly precious one

Your endless journey has begun

Take your gentle happiness

Far too beautiful for this

Cross over to the other shore

There is peace for evermore

But hold this memory bittersweet

Until we meet

Fly, fly do not fear

Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear

Your heart is pure, your soul is free

Be on your way, don't wait for me

Above the universe you'll climb

On beyond the hands of time

The moon will risen the sun will set

But I won't forget

Fly, fly little wing

Fly where only angels sing

Fly away, the time is right

Go now, find the light

~*Celine Dion*~

Dedicated to everyone who has lost someone they love..

~*Courtney*~ April 28, 1988-January 6, 2002

~*Courtney...You were a great person, yet so young....You hardly got to live your life....You made everyone smile and laugh...and you were there when we needed someone the most....I will never forget about you....Remember that time at the car show....The kid in the white hat you liked.....The go-carts and you guys yelling at me cuz I was too slow.......When we almost got killed by that big truck then laughed histerically after it happened??....Or remember the cheerleading days.....In pee-wee....You me and Laura were the best.....We've cheered together for as long as I can remember.....I have that picture in my picture frame now......Then in jr. high....It was me you and Jess with the greatest mounts.....You added so much spirit to the squad........We were friends since 1st grade....and we still are.....We might not have been as close as we wanted to be but you were still one of my great friends......Think of it as what a friend told me.....We're all on vacation but when the vacations over we all meet up again.....I will never ever forget about you.... You will be in mine and everyone else's heart forever!.....:*(~*~

**Good-Bye, There's just no sadder word to say and its sad to walk away with just the memories who's to know what might have been We leave behind a life and time We'll never know again....**

~*Lisa*~ September 23, 1964-January 6, 2002

~*Lisa...I never knew you well but I knew you from cheerleading and hanging out with Courtney...I know Kylie and every other person that knew you will always miss you.....You were a loving mother and a great friend to many people....Its sad that you and Courtney had to leave us soo soon.....We will always miss you and never forget about you and remember.....We're all on vacation but when its over we meet up again.....You're in our hearts forever...~*~

~* are so young and so little....Its so hard to know your mommie and sister aren't there for you anymore...But they will always be there in your heart.....They loved you soo much....I know it was hard to leave them but remember they're in a happy and safe place where no one can harm them....You will see them soon enough.....We all love you and wish you the best and hope you get better as soon as possible....You have so much energy and a great big smile to go with it....You make everyone happy....You mommie's thinking about you everyday and will always be there in your heart.....~*~

~*Jess Gongloff*~ August 16, 1985-June 6, 2002

~*Jess...Jess, you were an awesome field hockey player and a great person. You probably wouldn't remember me, but I can remember cheering w/ you in Pee-wee for the Colts. That was so much fun! You were so young. I know everyone misses you and will remember you at graduation. We all love you and miss you so much!

~*You're in the arms of the angel. May you find, some comfort here.*~ ~~Sarah McLachlan

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