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Youth In Jesus
The site for youth in Jesus

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Site News And Updates
Guest Book
Lost_and_found_1986's pictures of Chruches
Your pictures
Just some cool pictures


Poems and stories COMING SOON!
Plays and jokes COMING SOON!


E-mail us if you want to be an affiliate!
Updated: 11-24-01 -- Lost_and_found
Hey, loooooong time no see (update). I'm so sorry. I haven't had much time, and then I just put the website off, and never worked on it, but I'M BACK and in full force. I do NEED some help. If you would like to help, please tell me. Thanks a lot, and check back.

Updated: 9-22-01 -- Lost_and_found
I have added a page to sign up for the newsletter, and I am making some new pages and additions and corrections to others. Check back!

Updated: 9-7-01 -- Lost_and_found
Hey, I don't have much time, or much to put up yet. Please, if you want to do something, e-mail me at Thanks, and this weekend, I will try to get up some pictures, and some writings.

Updated: 9-1-01 -- Lost_and_found
I am starting to add my pictures to the site. It will take some time, because I don't have much to give, and it takes about 5-10 min per pic. Keep checking back.

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