Using these on such people as "teachers, principles, parents, relatives, spouses, pets, friends, the school bully(s?), bosses, co workers, adults in general, or people with little or no sense of humor may get you in trouble and may result in lost friendships, relationships, jobs, responsibilities, privelages, and bodies/lives, so please, use these at your own risk.

One who is foolish, gullible, and/or not very bright.
An overgrown lumux who doubles as a useless/hopeless idiot.
One who is gay or enjoys sucking on...........I'll put it this way. Imagine what someone sucking a sausage would look like. That should give you an idea what this insult means. If not, I'm sorry but your a hopeless idiot and have probably not had that useful conversation with your older friends about the "birds and the bees".
One who is mean, immoral, or wicked.
One who slams scrotums with their penis, or "pee-pee" as the adults have been known to call it, in a homosexual type fashion (not that there's a heterosexual fashion of slamming scrotums with your pee-pee)
One who is liked to the same degree as a bag of scum. One who breaks the law just to piss people off, with no other apparent reason. One whom no one likes for a wide variety of valid reasons.
One who pisses so many people off, doing any number of bad things, that all they can think of when they hear this persons name is a big ball of scum.
Sharmoota (Arabic)
One who acts like a bitch at all times to everyone, or most people.
She-pa-nom (Korean)
(No exact translation but it's the worst word you can use in the Korean language, so I would suggest you use this one VERY VERY CAREFULLY)
Shibseki (Korean)
One who is all of the bad stuff combined (bitch, fucker, whore, asshole, etc.)
One who is so ugly, their face only reminds you of one thing. A large, heaping, decomposing pile, of watery, drizzling, elephant shit with corn.
One who is full of, smells like, or just somehow reminds you of a nice pile of re-fried recycled baked beans shit, and yet is also ugly enough or dumb enough or mischievous enough to be called a goblin as well.
One who is stupid or has a bad hair cut.
One who is an asshole all the time, with no exceptions, to everyone. The kind of person not even a mother could love.
One who is full of shit or an asshole.
One who is worthless or mindlessor possibly constipated.
One who can only be described as the slime left in the toilet bowl after a nice, wet, sloppy, lumpy, chunky, drizzling, un-healthy shit! The kind you take when your either A: Really drunk, B: Really sick, or C: Both A and B.
One who has all of the qualities or characteristics of a big, wet, juicy shit stain on any article of clothing or fabric.
One who is or acts like a wad of shit.
One who is slow-witted, or just slow in general.
One who is any or all of the following: Stupid, useless, friendless, helpless, hopeless, or obnoxious.
One who is too small and weak to do anything.
A slut, or someone who'll fuck anything or anyone, anywhere, with or without money, who has had breast implants. You can tell because her boobs look like two balloons that have almost been inflated to the point of explosion!
One who resembles or acts like a monkey, in that their hairy, stupid, smell funny, drool, do weird shit, masturbate in public or to an audiance, ugly, or because they have a red ass, for whatever reason.
One who is female and happens to be every terrible thing a woman can be, and is hated by all other women for it. They are slutty, ditzy, ignorant, conceited, all that good stuff.
Skid (Short for Skid Mark)
One who is or reminds you of a gigantic shit stain, which one might find on underwear retrieved from someone who was killed in a plane crash or in a car wreck.
One who just lounges around the house all day watching talk shows and eating because they don't have A: a job or B: a life, so they just sit there, mindless drones in their disgusting dwelling, sipping beers and eating donuts and beating the bishop all day. In other words, they're lazy sons-a-bitches.
One who has no manners or values and everything they do is immediately offensive to whoever makes the mistake of watching them, especially eating. They've been known to walk around with food or condiment stains on their shirts and shit-stains on their pants, and it's been years since they've shaved (men face, girls arm pits and legs), and the only real word to describe them and their ways is, repulsive!
One who is very slow, either physically, mentally, or any combination of the two.
One who drops a bar of soap while in the shower, assumedly with another man/men, providing the oppurtunity one of the other men "violates" him as he bends down to retrive the soap.
Sooka (Russian)
One who is or acts like any or all of the following: Bitch, Traitor, or Whore.
Sonnuva-Bitch (pronounced, and sometimes spelled Son-Of-A-Bitch)
One who's mother, or father, is a bitch. This is also commonly used to describe anyone whom you really hate, dislike, can't stand, or wish would fall off the edge of the earth, for whatever reason(s?) you may have.
One who burps up sperm after sucking dick. This insult, as you may have guessed, works best when used on a guy.
Sraka (Russian)
One who is or acts like an ass (considered extremely vulgar in Russian language)
One who has no mind of their own and just relies on the commandments of their friends or people in general. A yes man. A brown nose. An idiot. Or anything along those lines.
One who is short or has stubby limbs.
One who suffers from stupidity.
One who is both dumber then a fence post and a prick to boot.
One who is unbelieveably dumb.
One who is far from intelligent, smells terrible, is overweight, will eat almost anything, and has very few uses.

Check back every couple of days for the latest additions to the Super Insults Library as we update the site as soon as we hear or think up another insult. Also, if you'd like to send us an insult, please do so by clicking here.