Welcome to The Insult-A-Nator's bio page where you'll be force fed all of the facts and tid bits of info about me you can stand, and then some? Why? Because you were dumb, I mean, brave enough to venture into my own little world voluntarily, something not even I would do, if I had the choice. Unfortunately, I don't, and now, neither do you, so enjoy (or at least pretend to)


Real Full Name: G----d R----t S---e

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 170, give or take a few

Age: 14

Pets: A black, 9 year old, 12 pound half poodle/half shitzu mix named Ralph.

Birthday: 7-11-87

Shoe Size: 11 wide

Girlfriend:Sanum Rachel Danielle Kait Single as of today, but be rest assured, I can't go two weeks without being fucked over by yet another woman, so expect that to change in the not so distant future.


Junk Food: Smart Food's White Cheddar Popcorn

Fast Food: National Coney Island's Chili Cheese Fries and KFC's Popcorn Chicken (tie) (Now perhaps you understand how I became 170 pounds so early in my life)

Semi-Nutricious Food: Lasagna

Drink: Slurpee with Coke, Mountain Dew Code Red, and Green Sour Apple.

Band/s: Limp Bizkit, Eminem, Linkin Park, Sum 41, and Britney Spears (Do I enjoy listening to her music? No, of course not. But her music videos with all of the jiggling, shaking, bouncing, grinding, and leg-spreading, mixed with her outfits or lack there of, and.....and.....I can't go into further description without surrounding myself with porn via the Internet for the next 8 hours, so I'll stop there because I think you know what I mean)

T.V. Show/s: Friends, Simpsons, Jackass, Boston Public, WWF Monday Night Raw, WWF Thursday Night Smackdown, The Man Show, and South Park.

Movie: Scary Movie 2 (comedy) and Iron Monkey (Brand Spanking New Japanese Karate Flick)

Author(s?): Dave Barry and Mick Foley (tie)

Book/s: Dave Barry: "Big Trouble", "Guide To Marriage And/Or Sex", "Babies And Other Hazards Of Sex", "The Taming Of The Screw", "Claw Your Way To The Top", and pretty much anything else by Dave Barry. Mick Foley: "Have A Nice Day", "Foley Is Good (And The Real World Is Faker Then Wrestling", "Mick Foley's Christmas Chaos" and "Mick Foley's Halloween Hijinx".

Video Games: Grand Theft Auto 2 (Playstation), Spiderman (Playstation), Smackdown 2 (Playstation), Twisted Metal 2-4 (Playstation), 3Xtreme (Playstation).

Teacher: Ms. Hendry.

Subject: Language Arts, because I've already been good with english in general and I've got a really good teacher this year, Ms. Hendry.

Sport To Play: Football (Street Hockey in close second)

Sport To Watch: Wrestling

Friend (Male): Martin

Friend (Female): Denise/Julie (tie)

Seasoning: Lemon Pepper

Pizza Topping: Ham

Hobby: Creating web sites and making them popular and working on/building/fixing shit around the house with my paw. Fantasy Wrestling (Hey, everyone has a geeky side to them, some just aren't as open about it as I am.) Backyard Wrestling. Making half hour skit tapes or putting on small, shi-tay, wrestling matches on my video camcorder and watching them.

Piece Of Furniture In The House: My Couch

Phrase: When Life gives you apples, make apple sauce. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. When someone tries to sell you that bologna, SHOOT THEM! (Came up with that one on one of my more impressive fits of depression)

Actor: Jim Carrey<----hilarious or Josh Hartnett<---plays a good bad guy

Actress: Pamela Anderson Lee, because, let's face it, she's hot as hell!

Fruit: Star-fruit

Vegetable: Corn On The Cobb w/Butter, salt, and a lil pepper.

Soup: Bean and Ham (from Bill Knapps only)

Teacher Of All Time: Mr. Carron a.k.a. Pinnochio (and I say that with the utmost respect)

Song: "In The End" Linkin Park

Old Band: The Beatles

Wrestler (Of The Past): Shawn "Heart Break Kid" Michaels

Wrestler (Of Before That): Terry Funk

Wrestler (Of The Present): Chris Jericho (Mic skills) Rob Van Dam (Wrestling ability)

Wrestler (Of The Future): Me (I'd give you my future name, but if I do that someone could steal it, and I'm not about to let that happen)

Animal: Monkey

Cartoon Character/s: Donald Duck, Foghorn Leghorn, and TIMMY (South Park)!

Least Favorites

Junk Food: Pork Rinds, that's some nasty shit!

Fast Food: Arby's (Roast) Beef and Cheddar burgers. Don't get me wrong, they taste great, but they always make me shit what feels like bricks coming out, and it's pretty hard on my guts.

Semi-Nutricious Food: Capers (If they serve food in hell, I'm willing to bet Capers are one of the main dishes.)

Drink: Mountain Dew (For God's sake it takes the rust off cars, how much more of a sign does one need?)

Band: Aaron Carter, because let's face it, there's only two exceptions to the rule that white people shouldn't rap, and as we all know, that's Eminem and Bubba Sparxxx. So, when you happen to be a blonde haired, blue eyed, all american 12 year old who grew up in the upper middle class with no real problems (physical anyway), then you especially don't have the right to rap, about anything at all, for any reason!

T.V. Show: Pokemon and Digimon(tie)

Movie: Pokemon The Movie (1 and 2)

Author: Anyone who isn't Dave Barry or Mick Foley.

Book/s: Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. I was forced to read the book in 8th grade, and had I been interested in learning about what it's like to climb various mountains, searching for every single freakin detail, this book would've been fantrabulous. However, because I couldn't give a bouncing babies ass about mountains or mountain climbing, the book did nothing to grab MY attention.

Video Game: Pokemon

Subject: Social Studies, boring as hell, and damn near useless since the chances I'll need to know about The various Indian Tribes to succeed in life is highly unlikely.

Teacher: Mrs. Doba, she's not exactly the perfect example of patience, forgiveness, or happiness.

Sport To Play: Baseball and Tennis, I suck royally at both.

Sport To Watch: Golf, because it's dull dull dull dull dull dull dull dull dull, and uh, maybe a little bit dull.

Friend (Male): Will Kosnick, I still consider him a friend, even though we got into a huge fist fight on Thursday (11-8-01) and beat the snot out of eachother.

Friend (Female): Kait, she wrote in her open diary that I overdose on sleeping pills so I don't have to go to school, which, incase it's not painfully obvious, is absolutely NOT the case. Bitch!

Seasoning: Cayenne Pepper (I accidentally got some of that shit up my nose once, and for hours it felt like I had been sneezing fire, which would be a really cool super power by the way)

Pizza Topping: If it's not meat, I don't like it on there, to make a long answer short.

Hobby: Working on this web site, it's time consuming and it isn't as fun as it was. No worries though, I won't be shutting it down anytime soon, if ever.

Piece Of Furniture In The House: The couches in the living room, they look terrible, even for dorm furniture!

Phrase: Look On The Bright Side (to which I respond, "Fahk Yew, because there usually isn't a bright side when someone throws that out into the open!)

Actor: Robert Downy Jr, clean up your act you rich bastard! You've got everything you could ever want, from money to health to hot fans, you've got no reason to be on drugs, so get with the program, asshole!

Actress: Julia Roberts (She admitted on the Howard Stern show that unless it's absolutely necessary to shave her arm pits for a movie role, she doesn't, to which I say, "GO BACK TO FRANCE YOU POORLY GROOMED LITTLE DRAMA QUEEN!")

Fruit: Egg-Plant(By the way, Tomatoes SHOULD NOT be a fruit)

Vegetable: Anything Green but Broccoli and Celery

Soup: Everything but Bean and Ham Soup from Bill Knapps

Teacher Of All Time: Mr. Primeau. He was a nice enough guy outside the class room, and occasionally would say some funny things inside the class room, but he really knew how to scare the shit out of us, and did so, daily, religeously.

Song: ANYTHING by Aaron Carter

Old Band: The Rolling Stones

Wrestler (Of The Past): Rugged Ronnie Garvin

Wrestler (Of Before That): Hulk Hogan (Thinking back, he never did more then 4 moves a match, not including punches, kicks, or chops, and his finisher, the dreaded leg drop {snicker})

Wrestler (Of The Present): Scotty 2 Hotty. Why? Because his move, The Worm, is the most over-rated slice of bull-shit I've ever been served. I mean, c'mon, give me a freaking break. It's a chop to the throat after he's done with the show-boating, and I am yet to see any other match where a chop does anything more then piss the opponet off. Come up with something better Scotty. ANYTHING!

Wrestler (Of The Future): Whoever I can't beat when I become a pro wrestler.

Animal: Fish, they don't do anything and die too quickly (talking about pet fish, of course)

Cartoon Character: Any of the Pokemon/Digimon characters.

In Closing

Uh, what did I forget? I play a musical instrument, that being the bass guitar, and have gotten pretty good at playing Alien Ant Farm's Smooth Criminal and Metallica's "Enter Sandman. I'm also writing my own songs in the hopes to start up a heavy metal band sometime soon.

When I get older I want to be a pro wrestler, as I've mentioned before, or a doctor. What kind of doctor, you may be asking yourself? Whatever field pays the best, that's what I want to be. That plan's simple enough, isn't it?

Uh.....what else? I'm religeous, and consider myself a die hard christian though I know sometimes I don't always act like it. I'm sure it seems strange that a christian owns an insults website that contains every bad word imaginable, but, I do try my best not to use them (the bad words, not the insults) as much as possible, and the few times I slip, I usually stare at the ceiling and apoligize to the big guy. You probably didn't need to know that, but there's a lot of stuff in here you've read that you didn't need to know, so get over it.

I also want to mention I am involved in several differant various writing projects, including writing and editing a heroic epic-type book, which, if I would get off my lazy arse and work on, could become something you'd find in your local bookstore. I love writing, and have loved writing since I was very small. My teachers all say I have great Language Arts skills, and score off the charts in Language Arts-type tests. Yep, I'm pretty much the man when it comes to lanaguage arts, but anything else, I know just enough to survive. Except wrestling of course.]

That's all I can think of now but if you want to know something about me that's not on here, as unlikely as that is, just email me at Son_Of_Frankenstein@hotmail.com and if you've caught me in a good mood, I might just put it on here.


-J---y "The Insult-A-Nator" S---e

P.S.: If you ask me a question purposely trying to embarass me, like how big my dick is, I will NOT post it, but I will respond with an obvious lie and tell you something absurd like "it's 45 inches, has a blueish tint to it, and weighs more then the rest of my body." Picturing that should be all the reason you need to not ask me something like that again.