Using these on such people as "teachers, principles, parents, relatives, spouses, pets, friends, the school bully(s?), bosses, co workers, adults in general, or people with little or no sense of humor may get you in trouble and may result in lost friendships, relationships, jobs, responsibilities, privelages, and bodies/lives, so please, use these at your own risk.

One who acts like a redneck, or is ignorant, or is obnoxious, or just a loner in general. (Any or all of the characteristics above)
One who is homosexual, so they "slam" "ham", or, jack off other men. Actually, this can refer to any act of homosexuality, depending on how you think about it.
Hefer (Also spelled Heffer)
One who acts or look like an obese cow or steer.
One who is clearly and unashamedly gay.
One who runs around, wreaking havoc for those near, usually an older brother or sister, driving them to the peak of insanity and then gives them that final push off the deep end which leads to their brutal slaying on behalf of whoever our subject was annoying.
One who is, was, or will be a red neck, hillbilly, or "Child Of The Sun".
One who looks or acts like a prostitute.
One who acts like or eats like or thinks like a pig.
One who's breath isn't exactly "minty-fresh".
One who is female and is known for stealing boyfriends or husbands and loves wrecking happy homes, hence the term homewrecker, which goes hand in hand with the term Hussy, or possibly even Floozy.

Check back every couple of days for the latest additions to the Super Insults Library as we update the site as soon as we hear or think up another insult. Also, if you'd like to send us an insult, please do so by clicking here.