Using these on such people as "teachers, principles, parents, relatives, spouses, pets, friends, the school bully(s?), bosses, co workers, adults in general, or people with little or no sense of humor may get you in trouble and may result in lost friendships, relationships, jobs, responsibilities, privelages, and bodies/lives, so please, use these at your own risk.

Gaeheba (Arabic) (Pronounced Gah-Heh-Bah)
One who is a little (or in some cases big) bitch.
One who fits the description of being a large, useless, ignorant fellow.
Geseki (Korean)
One who is or acts like a son of a bitch.
One who is so obese, looking at them makes you sick to your stomach.
One who is a annoying or acts stupid and, somehow, remind you of a big, green, ball of snot (or booger).
One who is a cronie to somebody else, or just a mindless drone who always tends to stumble into your path where you don't necessariliy want them.
Govedo (Serbian)
One who is a jerk.
Gowna (Polish) (Pronounced GOOVnoh)
One who is, or smells like, shit.
One who is the follower of the friendship, as opposed to the leader. One who will do whatever the leader says, no matter what the task at hand may be. One who has no mind, will, or personality of their own and has little self esteem, and think that to fit in they have to act as sevant, messenger, etc. to the person they want to be friends with.
One who is or acts like or a slut, who is living in or dresses/acts like their living in the gutter. (Probably the most devastating version of the word slut)

Check back every couple of days for the latest additions to the Super Insults Library as we update the site as soon as we hear or think up another insult. Also, if you'd like to send us an insult, please do so by clicking here.