Using these on such people as "teachers, principles, parents, relatives, spouses, pets, friends, the school bully(s?), bosses, co workers, adults in general, or people with little or no sense of humor may get you in trouble and may result in lost friendships, relationships, jobs, responsibilities, privelages, and bodies/lives, so please, use these at your own risk.

One who is worthless and/or poor, not very intelligent, one who doesn't really care about or do anything. For instance: A deadbeat mom wouldn't care what her daughter did or where she went or how she'd get back home or who she was with, not because she trusted her, but because she simply didn't care.
One who is well.......anyone whom you dislike for any number of reasons is, and should be labeled, a demon-turd.
One who is any or all of the following: Cruel, constantly irritated, hot headed, stubborn, mean, annoying, or obnoxious.
One who is or acts like a moron, or has a head shaped like a penis.
One who is or acts like a pussy.......cat.
One who has a dick in their mouth so much it's startin to warp their lips.
One who is a dick (asshole, jerk, jackass, etc.) to the point people can see it from across the room, across the street, across the country, etc. Something about them stands out that makes it obvious they've got terrible, constant, tempers. It's so obvious it almost "shines".
One who shines penises, with any number of things. Their hands, their mouthes, etc. It doesn't really matter, the point is, they shine dicks and that should be the responsibility of the owner!
One who pisses off almost everyone they know or meet, simply because they have a bad attitude and need a good ass-kicking.
One who is female and considered butch (butch: When your a woman but look more like a man then a woman)and enjoys having sex with other women.
One who's asshole is green like a dill pickle. (This is a wild guess on my part, because in reality, I have no idea what in the hell Dill-Hole means.)
One who is about as bright as a burnt out lightbulb, a.k.a., an idiot.
One who is mentally unstable.
One who acts as though they couldn't get any more ignorant, no matter how great an effort they put into dumbing themselves down.
One who doesn't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot.
One who is even less popular then a bag of dirt. One who cheats, or steals, or does anything else that would make him less popular in the eys of the law and/or civilized people.
One who lies, cheats, steals, or is just known for breaking rules, commiting crimes, and being corrupt. Needless to say, this person doesn't have too many fans, much less friends.
One who is butt ugly (Not to be confused with the term, dogg, which in urban areas and among white people who wish they were black like Eminem or Vanilla Ice, is a term for a friend, a pal, a chum, a compadre, an amigo, you get the idea.)
One who is dumber then dirt, and for the most part useless.
One who acts like a dick, but not just any dick, a big dick (the bigger the dick, the bigger the insult, unless of vourse your talking about their dick directly in which case using small jokes work better.)
One who is stupid, and does stupid things, while impressing all others around them as far as just how stupid they can be without falling down more.
Plain and simple, a dope is someone who has an I.Q. that matches their shoe size (and dopes tend to have very, and I emphasize the word VERY, small, feet.)
One who can be classified as an annoying younger brother or sister, or one who's tastes in almost any subject are so hideously misplaced that you want to just grab them by the throat and squeeze till they turn multiple differant colors and realize that nothing they currently or ever could like would be worth this much pain, hence, it's time for them to let go of their childish or lame tastes.
One who reminds you of, well, a douche bag, which for those of us who haven't yet grossed themselves out at the knowledge of just what that means, is a bag that women fill with, I think water, which is specially made to somehow clean their vagina. A little graphic, I know, but, well, boys and girls, that's what it means. So if there's anyone who you've called everything else in the book, spring this bad boy on them and watch the look of disgust or confusion spread across their face.
One who is fat and white or resembles the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
A small, annoying, pain-in-the-ass type person, usually male, and most often used to refer to one's pesky little brother.
One that lives off the labors of others.
One who fits the description of being a slow, dull, ignorant person.
One who acts foolishly or ingnorantly.
One who is just plain old stupid.
One who is a fuck, meaning no one likes him for any number of reasons, and to make matters worse, they're ignorant too!
One who is unbelieveable stupid.
One who isn't plugged in all the way. One who isn't firing on all cylinders. One who is well, to put it simply, and idiot.
Dupek (Polish)
One who acts like or is an asshole.
One who is nerd-ish, and enjoys things most people don't enjoy like Math or Janet Reno's porno career documented on a video library.

Check back every couple of days for the latest additions to the Super Insults Library as we update the site as soon as we hear or think up another insult. Also, if you'd like to send us an insult, please do so by clicking here.