Using these on such people as "teachers, principles, parents, relatives, spouses, pets, friends, the school bully(s?), bosses, co workers, adults in general, or people with little or no sense of humor may get you in trouble and may result in lost friendships, relationships, jobs, responsibilities, privelages, and bodies/lives, so please, use these at your own risk.

One who survived an abortion.
One who's head is filled with air, or nothing at all. A moron. A ditz. An imbecile. A complete waste of flesh and vital organs.
Ama (Japanese)
One who is or acts like a bitch.
One who represents a penis who enters the a-hole, assumedly belonging to a man (Insult works best if the person the a-hole belongs to is male).
One who grabs his ankles, putting him or her in the perfect position to be, well, invaded through the back door.
One invades anuses.
One who reminds you of a really big, stupid, hairy, ugly, smelly gorilla.
One who sucks. (The lazy way of saying asshole)

One who performs hideous and unbelieveable acts on someone elses ass. This can also be an insult for a gay male.
One who is both an ass, and a bastard, making them an ass-bastard.
One, assumedly male, who rams, or belonks, another man's ass.
One who blasts asses with happy-sap (think about it)
One who is an equal combination of an asshole and looks or acts foolishly.
One who is a goblin, or small, comical, usually harmless monster, who creates a home out of the insides of someones asshole.
One who belongs to a commenly known species of animals that look identical to humans but are infact differant as they are hot headed, shallow, stubborn, and (or) just overall suck, making you want to butcher them mercilessly with a midevil weapon of some sorts.
One who's ass and lips, or face in general, look very similar.
One who is so homosexual that it would be less obvious if they wore a hat with a big banner on top lit up with lights, proclaiming they are and forever will be homosexuals.

One who is a combination of being a moron and hyper, which is a deadly combination as they tend to do lame and annoying things a lot faster then most other people.
One who is known to do a little "pillow biting" now and then (Incase your unfamiliar with the term "pillow biter", either picture in your head the kind of position one would have to be in to bite a pillow or go to our P's section where it will be listed.)
One who enjoys ramming various objects up their or someone else's ass. If the person is male, they are assumed gay, if they are female, they are assumed a freak, or in some cases slutty.
One who is an equal combination of an asshole and a dirty, dirty rat.
One who's breath stinks so badly that they shouldn't be allowed to leave their house without an astronaut's helmet on.
One who sucks ass, plain and simple.

Check back every couple of days for the latest additions to the Super Insults Library as we update the site as soon as we hear or think up another insult. Also, if you'd like to send us an insult, please do so by clicking here.