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Truly Inspired
Nautica's hosted fiction


Welcome to 'Truly Inspired', a showcase for authors who cannot make their own site, and would like to be seen. At this time stories are not being accepted, though maybe sometime in the future it may become active again.

The Rules

There really isn't anything that I won't accept, so this will be pretty easy:

. Please proof read your story well, or get a beta because I will post it as is.

. The story must be about the Backstreet boys, or at least *Nsync. I don't care about the genre: het, slash -- doesn't matter. Nor do I care about the rating [PG-13,R,NC-17,G] or the size.

. The stories should can be sent pasted in an e-mail if it is a short story [meaning (1/1)]. If you are sending a completed story that has seven or eight parts, please send it as an attachment [MSWord, or either Corel WordPerfect 5 or 7 is fine.] No word processors because it makes it difficult to save.

. If your story is incomplete when I start hosting it, you must update it once a month or let me know why you haven't been updating it. If you're suffering from writer's block or lack of time that's perfectly OK but I need to know you haven't quit the story.

That's it send 'em in.

The Fiction

Just Desserts -- Dorough Style
By Em
Premise: Erin Dorough misses her husband, Howie. He's been on the road for months, touring with the Backstreet boys. Erin is very lonely, finding that their huge mansion is even bigger without Howie there to hold her. What Erin doesn't know, is that there is a surprise awaiting her after another long, hard day at work. A very...SWEET surprise! Now it's become a game of pleasure...(NC-17)

Content: Honey I'm Home | Sweet Revenge | Chocolate Sunday | Strawberry D-lite
Status: Complete [last chapter on sweet dreams. And yes, I'm very lazy]

Not Like Him (6/6)
by Em
Premise: Howie Dorough. Always known as the "sweet" Backstreet Boy, the mediator, the "Peace maker". But ever since he abruptly quit the world famous pop group, to the shock of his five "brothers", Howies wife Beth has seen the NOT so sweet side of "Sweet D." Beth, who loves her husband more than life itself, desperately enlists the help of Howies former band mate and best friend, A.J. McLean. A.J. answers Beths heartwrenching call and wants very much to help his best friend --if he doesn't kill him for what he's done to Beth first! Something serious happened to the "Howie D" everyone knew, and only four people can bring him back. (NC-17)

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Status: Complete

Congratulations, Em:

you deserve it!

The Links

Sweet Dreams
My main site
Lita's Fiction
Jericho's Fiction
A Star With No Light
Crystal's fiction
ShySpyke's Fiction
Fly me Away
Christina's fiction
Shirasade's Realm of Adult Fan Fiction
Shirasade's stories

. Open Your Eyes
A site for Howie lovers and supporters
. The Howie Project 2001
A site for Howie lovers, and Open Your Eyes' sister site
. *Njunk
An misc. *Nsync site by Em

Safe BSB Sites
. Backstreet

. HowieDorough_Slash
. CarterBoys
. NickHowieslash
. BoyBandsOnDemand
. SlashChallenges

Link back:


AIM: The only nautica
yahoo: Nautica61885
MSN: Nautica_NYC

I'm always online somewhere, trust me.

The One and Only. Nautica .