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  1. Brainbench Transcript ID#:3656284
  2. Brainbench Transcript ID#:335810
  3. Scenes from MI-3
  4. Photos from my vacation
  5. Or play this fun Web Game designed and produced by me
    for your enjoyment while you are visiting my page at Angelfire

    The Game of Perspicacity
  6. Photoalbum 4
  7. Or check out my "Education and Training"
  8. Some cool display
  9. Some more of that
  10. And more pics
  11. New stuff
  12. More new stuff
  13. See exactly how things are in reality
  14. And more
  15. Sign My Guest Book
  16. View My Guest Book
  17. My Geocities Page

Hi, this is me again with this crazy idea that at one moment I might get there where I should've been long time ago, hadn't been all those obstacles I had to overcome, and the strong persecution raised against yourself when you don't have shoes and you're still able to do things some people will never get to do, something like the witchcraft, or whatever was, they were holding against Giordano Bruno. Anyway this is the most challenging situation I have to overcome "How in the name of Hell, am I going to get an IT job when I don't have a phone number or a personal physical address? If any of my page's visitors has any solution to this difficult task, please don't hesitate to inform me using any of the email addresses I've got, or the message board at:

  1. Florin's Homepage
  2. Florinor
  3. Webmasteror
  4. flbarbor
  5. florinbarbor
  6. The_Magician_Engineer or
  7. flbarb.ny

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back again!
Rule of Thumb:
When everything it's O.K., there's always the sake of attitude, for to get your butt kicked!!!

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