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Cloud Say What?!



You may use bad words as long as you use symbols to cover up atleast 2 letters in the bad word,

EX: F#%K or #U@K etc... you may only use these symbols below:


Here is a Picture that I made, it is of Cloud approaching a Gameboy Color, it is up to you to say what Cloud is saying, it can be funny, serious, mean, etc... Do your best and be creative.

3 Winners will be selected, 1st palce, 2nd and 3rd, so be creative and unique!

When you are ready, simply go to the contact section and then type in the "What can i do for you" section, the words you would like to use, and your E-Mail adress and what not..DONT FORGET TO INCLUDE IN THE E-MAIL THAT THIS IS FOR THE CONTEST. I apologize for my mail form, it redirects you to a diff site, so i suggest loading up the frames part of this page. Back to the contest, MAX OF 89 LETTERS!

Good Luck!

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