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Final Fantasy VII Rumors

Here are various rumors I've collected while surfing the web. Some of them are just plain funny, and some of them make you think, but all of them were tested by Me, Jeremy D and Alexandra.

Aeris Resurrection


People have told me many different ways to ressurect Aeris, but I have tried them all and found only 2. One, is gameshark, just type in the Aeris's code and she'll be in your party. Tried that one and its true. The other one, was tried by my friend, and he claims he did it, and I believed him, because he was using Aeris in the 3rd disc, and he doesn't own a gameshark. Okay, here it is: When you are giving back the Black materia to Sephiroth at the Temple of the Ancients, talk to him as much as you can when Cloud is shaking. Then Sephiroth should take the Black Materia, BUT he wouldn't kill Aeris. E-mail me if it works for you.

The Wooden Chocobo


This is probably the worst of them all. Somehow, you are supposed to get the underwear off of Godo(Yuffie's dad), and take them to the tracks on the Southern tip of the island.

The Silver Chocobo


Breed 2 Gold Chocobos together with a Saraha Nut.

Infinite Money Trick


You are supposed to go to the clock in Kalm or the one in Rocket Town and press "X". Supposedly, you are supposed to get a money card. TRUE IN THE JAP VERSION ONLY!!!!!

Opening the chest in Kalm


If anyone claims they have done this, I think they're lying. This is where the Kalm traveler gets the Underwater materia from.



You take the Silver Chocobo underwater and have the Underwater materia equipped. Supposedly, you are supposed to fight him in a cave.

Cloud's 5th Limit


This is 2 rumors in one. You are supposed to get the first 2 treasure chests in the crater, then go to Lucrecia's Cave. Make sure you have Vincent in your party. You will then fight a monster w/ 1 million hit points called Vincent's Soul. After you defeat him, you will get Cloud's 5th Limit.

8 Statues of Sephiroth


This is the most annoying of them all. Supposedly, in order to get the Masamune blade to work, you need to find the 8 Statues of Sephiroth. Some people claim to have found one by doing a piano trick in Tifa's house.

White Materia


Supposedly, you are supposed to get the White materia by getting past the fish in the Forgotten City(which is impossible)and you will get it. It is the materia that revives Aeris.

Cloning w/ 1/35 soldiers


Supposedly, if you get 450 1/35 soldiers, you talk to the sleeping man near Junon and he will make you a clone of either Aeris or Sephiroth.



Put 8 KotR on Cloud's Ultima Weapon and it will turn into the Excalibur. It does 15,000-20,000 damage. NOT TRUE! THIS IS THE RUMOR STAFF'S BIGGEST PROVE, TOOK AWHILE BUT WE BUSTED IT

Red Chocobo


Breed 2 Gold chocobos w/ a special nut stolen from wolves in the snow area. It can be taken w/ you on the sub.

9999 HP materia


Take the red chocobo underwater(must have underwater materia)into the crater and find this and other amazing materia.

Clouds Gat ( Gun )


If you want to find a cool gun for cloud ( this is a possibly true rumer )then goto the chocobo tracks and do this. Change your party to cloud, cait sith, barret (in that order) and equip them with thir original weapons and walk around. Then you will fight this weird tree creature. Try to steal from it 3 times and maybe you will get the hunter gun. Then go to wutai and talk to everyone. go back to cosmo canyon and then come out again. Then fight 7 battels and use the hunter gun in the last one. Something cool will happen. If you don't get the gun then go to the gold saucer and go to battle arena and get 800,000 BP and then you can buy the gun.

New secret ending


Here's a rumor that my friend told me about. Get every character including Vincent and Yuffie at level 99 with master experience. Get every materia mastered, and get everyone's ultamite weappon. Then beat the game and you should get a different ending then usual.

Speed Challenge


Okay, another friend told me about this one but I'm not quite sure to believe him. Okay, on the ride "Speed" at the Golden Saucer, you are supposed to supposedly get 6,000 points, which seems impossible to me, and then your prize will be a weapon that Cid can use. This weapon is by far the best in the game, much better than the Venus Gospel, or even the Ultima Weapon for Cloud. This is a weapon you will want to have. E-mail me if anyone managed to get this weapon.

the rumor about Cids secreat weapon that you get from the speed game is 100% true.... the weapon100 attack and has normal materia growth, its name is Flayer and it has 6 materia slots... hope that helps some
-Thanks to FinalGMR for this one, welcome back Jacob.



Similar to the other Alpha Levithain rumor, Take your silver chocobo and go underwater to the crater that Emmy sometimes floats over. Descend into the crater to fight Alpha-Levithain.

Outer Space


I'm not sure how you are supposed to get there.

Gold Murasane Blade


Get every possible point combination from 3000 to 5000 in Speed Square and the item is yours. The weapon is said to be worth over 10,000,000 gil.

Get the Super Nova Materia


Talk to all the people in upper Junon then head out the upper-beach. Make sure you have Tifa and Yuffie in your party. The man near the water will sell you the Materia for a 1,000,000 gil and 2 kisses( one from both Tifa and Yuffie).

Getting the Tiny Bronco back


Through all of this you must have Cid in your party. First go to Gold Saucer Speed Square, here win the Super Sweeper. Now go to Lower Junon. Talk to everyone in Lower Junon three times. Upon doing this a man will tell you he's good with machines and that he needs a Super Sweeper. Keep talking to him and Cid will relize that the Super Sweeper can be used to fix the Tiny Bronco. Go back to Rocket Town and Cid will make the repairs.

Getting J. Juggler


Go to Gold Saucer Wonder Square and use the fortune machine. You need to get a card that says odd things in the future( 1/1000 chance). Leave Battle Square and you'll meet J. Juggler your new party member.

Fight the Brown Weapon


One of the montains on the World Map is acctually a weapon with 2 million plus HP.

Fight Turqoise Weapon


With the Tiny Bronco go all over and somewhere in the shallow water you'll see a head moving around( like Ruby). Make contact with it and you'll fight Turquoise Weapon( the hardest of them all)!!

Bring Aeris back


Another rumor about Aeris, By the time Aeris dies all your characters must be at level 99. If this happens Cloud will go mano a mano against Sephiroth. If you win Aeris lives.

Karsten the Ninja


If you have Yuffie in your party go to the same forest that you aqquired her in. Here Yuffie and Karsten will fight to see who is the Ultimate Ninja. Karsten is susposed to have an attack that steals all your items( she likes items over materia).

Fight Knights of the Round


Go to Gold Saucer and look at all the items in the exhibit area near battle arena. Next do the steps that repair the tiny bronco. Fly the plane over to where you get The Knights of The Round Materia. Enter the cave and get the materia(Make sure it is your first time getting the materia in the game. ). Master The Knights Of The Round Materia. Go back to the exhibit in battle arena to find a duplicate of the key that opened up the temple of the ancients. The guy that owns Gold Saucer will talk to you again. He will ask you to fight in the battle arena if you want to keep it. If you make it through all the battles you get it. On the eighth battle you will fight either a goblin, or a cactus. When you get out, the owner will tell you that the battle arena computer was broken, and you weren't matched evenly. He now takes you to a level 9 game, where you fight a cactus or a goblin again, this time with poison, no materia, a broken weapon, broken armor, and no accessory. If you win, your BP will be maxxed out, and you can spend them to get the duplicate Key. Take Cid, Cloud, and RedXll with you back to the cave where you got Knights Of The Round. A man there will tell you that you are not strong enough to fight, and it will be your death. Tell him to go away, and don't ask him more. If you ask more the man will attack you, and steal your items. If you tell him to go away, make sure he is out of the cave before you fight the Knights. He will walk in circles for a while. Now go to the edge of the screen and walk up and down. Cloud will say that he feels something, and slash all around like when he did when he was near Sephiroth. The Cave starts talking to you. Place both the materia and the key where it tells you. It says that you are all evil hearted. The reason for this is Cloud's link to Sephiroth. The knights attacks are strong, but they will only kill Cloud. Your attacks do no good. Report to the broken down Mideel Hospital to find Cloud at level 99, and a potion that changes Jenova cells into human....phew...prob dont work

Fight the huge rainbow chocobo


This i know is not true because the person thought we all were stupied and put a picture of Choco/Mog summon.



Z-Class chocobo


This is also fake because squaresoft says S-Class is the best class of chocobos you can get in the game.

Date with Vince


This is actually true believe it or not, if your just mean to everyone in the game except for vince, then come time at the gold saucer, guess what? your on a date with vince. Here is who else you can date, that i have done myself: You can date Vince, you can date Barret, and i also dated yuffie.

Ziearob Nut


I take back what i said before about the wooden chocobo, this has to be the worst rumer of all, the Ziearob nut....What is it? i know its not true, its just, how stupied can people get thinking they could make us believe there is such thing as it?

Visit from wife


"A visit from Chocobo Sages Wife"...oooook, im sure she really comes, it said, when you have raised 6 gold s-class chocobos, chocobo sage dies, and his wife comes and tels you and gives you a, yep, you guessed it she gives you a Ziearob nut...yeah, sure she does! im sure she really comes too! - This rumer was proved false by our Rumer Staff.

There are actually TWO Sephiroths


(does this mean double trouble?). One was killed/hurt by Cloud when he threw him in the air and then Sephiroth fell to the bottom of the reactor in Nibelhiem. The other one is the one that summoned meteor. Supposedly, you can get the one that you hurt in Nibelhiem. Heres how: Go to Nibelhiem and there is a 1/50 chance that there will be an ex-Shinra employee there. He will sell you a key to the Jenova room in Nibelhiem's reactor. Inside the room is the Sephiroth that you thought you killed when he stabbed you with his masamune. He will talk to you then join your group. He then leaves when Cloud reaches level 99. Since my Cloud is at level 99 already, I can not attempt this without starting a new game which I really dont have the time right now.Sounds beliviable.

Zacks tatoo


In Sector 5 Slums in Midgar, near Aeris house a man lives in a pipe. Its said that this sick person is Zack. When you first visit this guy, you notice that he has a tatoo of the number "2". Zack is another one of Hojo's specimens, and was second in command of Sephiroth. Sephiroths number is "1". Could be true

Fighting chocobo member


Somehow you can get a chocobo to join your party. Some people say that there is a secret 'class' of chocobos that only rarely appears when you're out Chocobo hunting. When captured, you know you have such a secret chocobo when it appears to be speaking with its beak. Send it to the Chocobo Farm when captured, and retrieve it. The Chocobo will then be playable.

Yuffie and Vincent in movie?


If you get Yuffie and Vincent (only) at level 100 and have ALL their limit breaks and their best wepon equiped.. they will appear at the end of the game's movie.

Really dumb aeris rumor


You can save Aeris from dying at the end of Disk 1 by hitting X before she dies, but it ill make someoneelse die.