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Fan Fiction

Check out Linda and Annabella's Fan Fiction Series Endgame

Endgame Chapter 1
Endgame Chapter 2
Endgame Chapter 3
Endgame Chapter 4
Endgame Chapter 5
Endgame Chapter 6
Endgame Chapter 7

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Created By: Rene

The Crisis from the Sky returns..

Chapter 1: The Crisis from the Sky, Returns . . . The young ninja Yuffie Kisaragi wiped the sweat off her forehead, as the blazing sun shone heavily on the small resort of Costa Del Sol. Just as she approached the bar, an old friend came into view. It was Vincent Valentine, the former turk, and team mate to Yuffie. This was the last place she thought she'd see him, but it was nice to see the lonely man having some fun, for a change. "What are you doing here?" Yuffie asked, running across a kid's sandcastle to get to Vincent. He did not answer. "What's wrong with you?" she asked rudely. Still no reply. "Y'know, if you're not gonna say anything, I'll leave," Yuffie declared, slowly turning her head away. "Wait," Vincent suddenly came to life and motioned for Yuffie to stay. "I was just thinking, of Sephiroth." "What about him?" Yuffie wondered. "Well, it's just a theory, but...,"Vincent started to say.".... Did we really kill Jenova or Sephiroth? For all we know that was just another part of Jenova, or that was still the Sephiroth clone." "Do you say anything that's not depressing or sad, ever?" Yuffie asked. Vincent frowned. "I'm going to meet Barret in the bar anyway, so I guess I have to go," Yuffie started to walk away. "What did he want?" Vincent stopped her again. "He wants AVALANCHE to help him get the North Corel mines up, why me and not you I don't know, though. Vincent slouched back down, and sat on the edge of the beach again. Yuffie took another look at him, and continued walking towards the bar. Once inside Yuffie was called to a room in the back, where she was reunited with the other members of AVALANCHE. Red was in the far corner, Cloud and Tifa sat next to each other by the table. Cid was leaning on the wall and Barret was in the middle of them all. "Glad you could make it Yuffie," Barret said in a welcoming voice. "That's a first," Yuffie replied. "Just sit down and shut up," Barret's tone of voice quickly changed. "Now I called you all here to discuss the matter of North Corel," Barret said, "we all know I was appointed mayor a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't done much ever since." "You never do much anyways," Yuffie added on, she knew this would make him mad, but she didn't care. "If I didn't need your help, I would kill you right now," Barret threatened her. Yuffie rolled her eyes. "Anyway, getting back on topic, to help the town I think we should take down the old reactor, and put up a new coal mine. As you might have already guessed, I need your help to do that. "I would very much like to be a part of that Barret, but why didn't you call Vincent?" Red XIII asked. "I did ask him, but he said he was busy, or something," Barret explained. "Yeah, busy getting a sun-tan," Yuffie revealed."He's right outside, but I don't think he wants company." "Well, we'll just have to work without him," Cloud broke into the conversation. "Cid, could you get the Highwind engineers to help us?" "No problem, Spike," Cid replied. After the meteor crisis 3 years ago, Cid got into the habit of nicknaming Cloud 'Spike'. "So when are we going to North Corel, Barret?" Tifa asked. "As soon as Reeve phones me," Barret replied to the bar hostess. After AVALANCHE had saved the planet, Reeve, the former Shinra employee, had asked to help them. Reeve had recently become mayor of Kalm, and evacuated any survivors from Midgar, there. "Well until then, I'm going to see if Vincent's okay," Tifa informed them. "Good luck," Yuffie said sarcastically. The bar hostess quietly approached the shore of Costa Del Sol, getting sand all over her boots. But the only thing she found was the sound of relaxing water. Her old friend Vincent was nowhere to be seen on the sandy plain. Tifa sighed and continued to walk along the beach. **** "Again my son, you will be my conquerer, and we will rule this planet together. The time has come again, we will destroy the planet, and feed of it's souls." "Yes, mother." A Green light suddenly flashed through the small village, in the snowy mountains. The blinding light lasted only a few seconds, so nobody hardly noticed. But this was something that will soon be noticed. Sephiroth and Jenova were reawakened. The planet once again, cried. **** The town of North Corel had never looked better. Homes had been rebuilt, the streets had been cleaned, and most importantly the mako reactor was nonfunctional. Children played on the streets and adults sold things at shops. It was no Midgar but, the town was certainly better since the groups last visit. "Here we are, North Corel," Barret said, and welcomed everyone into his office. "You've tidied up this town a lot," Tifa complimented. "Yeah, but he was also the one that trashed it in the first place," Yuffie broke into their conversation. Barret raised his fist at Yuffie in anger. "Alright, calm down you two, don't forget we've got a job to do," Cloud told them, as he pushed Barret away from Yuffie. "Anyway.... When is Reeve getting here?" Red asked, to break the tension. "Dunno, he said he'd be here by 10:00," Barret replied. "Well I can't just sit around here doing nothing," Cid started. "I'm going to get started on it." Just at that moment, the doorbell rang. Everyone stared at the door, and then again at Barret. Slowly the ex-miner strode to the green door, muttering something under his breath. By 'accident', he bumped into Yuffie. "Hey watch it!" Yuffie exclaimed. Barret ignored her, but if you looked carefully, you could see a faint smile on his face. The doorbell rang again, just as Barret had reached the door. He opened the door, and everyone gasped in amazement. The stuffed body of a moogle stood there, and upon it the body of Cait Sith. **** The loud banging of the ceremonial drums in Cosmo Canyon, was as noisy as it gets. Vincent just ignored it. The tall man in crimson walked up the rocky stairs of the village, and approached Buegenhagens laboratory. The glowing night sky that towered above Cosmo Canyon was breathtaking, and could even bring joy to the unhappiest man. In this case, it was Vincent. "Fascinating, isn't it?" "Who's there?" Vincent stood up quickly, and turned around to see three blue suited people. "Did you miss us?" Reno, one of the three members of the turks asked. "Why are you here?" Vincent took no time in pulling out his Death Penalty. "Relax, we're not with Shinra, so there's no reason to kill us." Reno explained. "We just came on a vacation. Besides, why would one turk kill another?" Vincent again sat down, and gazed at the night sky. "Reno, lets get outta here, I don't want to stay with him, he's the enemy," Elena protested. "Was, the enemy," Reno replied. "If you want to go, thats fine." "You are dishonoring the turks," Elena crossly said. "Got a lot to learn, Elena," Reno said. Elena frowned and walked away. Rude just stood there, silently. "Whats the matter?" Reno asked Vincent. Again, Vincent did not reply. Reno sat down beside him, and Rude sat down beside Reno. "Have you ever thought of joining the turks again?" Reno questioned. He kicked some dirt off the side of the cliff. "We are sort of in need of another member you see..." "Just leave me be," Vincent softly said. The turks got up, and walked away. They purposely p a card with the turks name on it. It was a bit to flashy for the turks, but they needed jobs, and they were desperate. Right then,more things came into Vincent's mind. He thought about when he was a turk, and how happy he was, before being mutilated. Suddenly, Vincent got the feeling of danger, the feeling of sadness, the feeling of evil, the feeling of Jenova. Jenova's presence was still among them, and Vincent could sense it. He jumped of the steps, and ran out of the peaceful town of Cosmo Canyon. **** A faint light shimmered through the darkness of the old Nibelheim mansion. The light was bright, but tinted with green. It shone through cobwebs, and lit them up, so they were visible to any traveller. The light was coming from the basement, only it shone with a steady glow down there. The source of the blinding light, was from a tank, labeled,Jenova. **** Meanwhile, at the Icicle Inn, the same bright light shone. The village was abandoned because of this light, and snow had melted. The difference between this light and the other was clear though. This light had a tall, dark figure in the middle. The man had white hair, and carried a sword twice as tall as him. He had a black cape, and big boots. This man, was known as, Sephiroth. **** "Why'd he have to come?" Barret asked Tifa, while throwing a hammer on the floor. It landed beside Tifa. "Barret, I know he was a traitor, but he worked for Shinra then," Tifa tried to comfort Barret. "And he has been taking care of Elmyra and Marlene." "I guess you're right," Barret agreed. Everyone had been working on the mine for a solid two weeks now. After today it would be completed. The town had remained quiet, and nothing much had happened. Reeve had brought Cait Sith to help, though he wasn't helping much. Cid Highwind threw another shovel that had broken in half on the floor. "SHERA!" "Coming, Captain, uhh-I mean Cid," Shera panted for breath as she ran across the tough terrain of the Corel mountains. She accidently tripped on a rock and the shovel flew out of her hands, onto Cait Sith's head. "Damn woman, can't you even bring a shovel right?" Cid shouted. "Cid, all you've been doing is shouting at her, lay off," Barret said. "Oh I don't mind," Shera said quietly, still panting for breath. She could barely stand up because Cid always made her get things. "You'd better get some water," Tifa said sympathetically. "There's a lake over there, I'll come with you." As they left Tifa shook her head at Cid. When the duo approached the gleaming lake, Shera knelt down, and drank some water. Tifa looked back at the mine, and saw Barret shouting at everyone again. Just seconds after that peaceful moment, a loud rumbling sound, which sounded as from below, erupted. "What the hell?" Cid wondered. "Sounds like it's coming from by the lake. Shera, get your butt over here right now." In another few seconds, the land began to split, and a thick green liquid rose from below. The liquid poured down the mountain, like water going into a jug. "Everyone, into the Highwind!" Cloud shouted at the top of his voice. They made it in to the Highwind, but the worst was yet to come. The liquid shot up into the sky once more, and ripped the Highwind apart. The Highwind, well a part of it, soared down to the ground swiftly. The other part, just fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Another loud erupting noise broke out again, this time from the sound of the Highwind blowing up. "!@$^^&^%!%^!" Cid looked down at the once proud engine of the Highwind in despair, right before his part of the Highwind, crashed into the murky, green liquid below. He could have swore he saw Vincent pull up to North Corel in the buggy, but before he could make sure, his sight went black. **** The cold, wintery weather of the Northern Continent didn't matter much to Sephiroth. He just walked through the blizzards like a wolf hunting for his prey. He did not stop for anything. The freezing snow pounding across his face did not even make him flinch. The harsh wind did not make him fall. And the snow wolves did not make any trouble. A trail of death was lurking behind every footstep Sephiroth took. He was on a mission. And this time, he was determined to succeed.

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