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Final Fantasy Charactor Weapons & Locations


Buster Sword-Initial equip
Hardedge-Stolen from SOLDIER: 3rd in Shinra town
Mythril Saber-Shop in Kalm
Force Stealer-150+ Pts. performing in Junon
Butterfly Edge-Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Rune Blade-Nibelheim Mountains
Yoshiyuki-Man outside of shop in rocket town
Murasame-Shop in Wutai
Nail Bat-After defeating dragons in Temple of the Ancients
Organics-Shop in Icicle Inn
Enhance Sword-Gaea's Cliff
Crystal Sword-Shop in Mideel
Heaven's Cloud-Downed Shinra Plane (Gelnika)
Apocalypse-Frog Forest
Ragnarok-After Defeating Proud Cloud in Midgar
Ultima Weapon- After defeating Ultimate Weapon ULTIMATE WEAPON

Guard Stick-Initial Equip
Striking Staff-Stole from Eligor in Trainyard
Mythril Rod-Shop in Wall Market
Full Metal Staff-Shop in Kalm
Wizard Staff-After falling (left) from Mt. Corel railroad tracks
Fairy Tale-After Defeating Turks outside of Gongaga
Prism Staff-Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Wiser Staff-After defeating Gi Nattak in the cave of Gi
Aurora Rod-Shop in Wutai
Parasol-5, 000+ pts. at Speed Square in Gold Saucer
Princess guard-Temple of the Ancients (Door IV) ULTIMATE WEAPON


Leather Glove-Initial Weapon
Metal Knuckle-Shop in Wall Market
Mythril Claw-Shop in Kalm
Grand Glove-Steal from Madouge in Mythril Cave
Motor Drive-Costa Del Sol
Tiger Fang-Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Platinum Fist-Tifa's house in Nebelheim
Diamond Knuckle-Shop in Wutai
Work Glove-Temple of the Ancients
Dragon Claw-Shop in Icicle Inn
Kaiser Knuckle-Whirlwind Maze
Crystal Glove-Shop in Mideel
God's Hand-After Defeating Carry Armor in Submarine Bay
Premium Heart- Abandoned Item Shop in Wall Market ULTIMATE WAEPON


Gatling Gun-Initial Equip
Assault Gun-After Defeating Guard Scorpion in Shinra Reactor
Atomic Scissors-Steal from custom sweeper outside of Midgar
Cannon Ball-shop in Kalm
W Machine Gun-Mt. Corel Railroad tracks
Heavy Vulcan-Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Enemy Launcher-Chest in Nebelheim Mansion
Drill Arm-Cid's House
Chainsaw-Shop in Wutai
Rocket Punch-Temple of the Ancients
Microlaser-Shop in Icicle Inn
AM Cannon-Shop in Mideel
Solid Bazooka-Costa Del Sol
Max Ray-Sector 8 Midgar
Missing Score-Before fighting Hojo on sister ray ULTIMATE WEAPON


4-Point Shuriken-Initial Equip
Boomerang-Steal from formula near Junon
Wind Slash-Shinra Boat Cargo Hold
Pinwheel-Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Twin Viper-Nebelheim Mountain
Razor Ring-Shop in Wutai
Hawkeye-Shop in Icicle Inn
Crystal Cross-Shop in Mideel
Oritsuru-Da-Chao Mountains in Wutai
Magic Shuriken-Costa Del Sol
Super Ball-Fort Condor (battle 4)
Conformer-Downed Shinra Plane (Gelnika) ULTIMATE WEAPON


Mythril Clip-Initial equip
Magic Comb-1st Victory at fort condor
Diamond pin-Steal from Bagnadrana on train tracks
Silver Barrette-Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Seraph Comb-After Cave of Gi
Plus Barrette-Nebelheim Mountains
Hairpin-Hidden Passage in Godo's house
Gold Barrette-Shop in Wutai
Adamin Clip-Shop in Icicle Inn
Crystal Comb-Shop in Mideel
Spring Gun Clip-Frog Forest
Centclip-Costa Del Sol
Limited Moon-Bugenhagen's dying gift ULTIMATE WEAPON


Quicksilver-initial equip
Sniper CR-Neibelheim Mountains
Shotgun-Shop in Rocket Town
Shortbarrel-Shop in Wutai
Silver Rifle-Temple of the Ancients
Lariat-Shop in Icicle Inn
Winchester-Shop in Mideel
Outsider-Downed Shinra Plane (Gelnika)
Supershot ST-Frog Forest
Buntline-Bone Village
Long Barrel R-Costa Del Sol
Death Penalty-Lucrecia's Cave ULTIMATE WEAPON


Yellow Mega Phone-Initial Equip
White Mega Phone-House in Gongaga
Green Mega Phone-Shop in Cosmo Canyon
Black Mega Phone-Cave of Gi
Silver Mega Phone-Nebelheim Mountains
Blue Mega Phone-Shop in Wutai
Trumpet Shell-Temple of the Ancients
Red Mega Phone-Shop in Icicle Inn
Crystal Mega Phone-Shop in Mideel
Gold Mega Phone-Costa Del Sol
Battle Trumpet-Underwater Reactor
Starlight Phone-Sector 8
Marvelous Cheer (HP Shout)-Shinra Tower (Gym) ULTIMATE WEAPON


Spear-Initial equip
Slash Lance-Wutai
Trident-Temple of the Ancients
Viper Halberd-Corral Valley
Mast Ax-Shop in Icicle Inn
Javelin-Inside of Gaea's Cliff
Partisan-Shop in Mideel
Scimitar-Underwater Reactor
Dragoon Lance-Wutai Mountains
Mop-Bone Village
Venus Gospel-Rocket Town ULTIMATE WEAPON