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Big Girl? Big Deal!

~Welcome to my site! I'm glad you surfed on in. This site is dedicated to all the fat chicks of the world. We ladies sure as hell don't get enough love out in the real world, so I figured the virtual world would work just as well. I've been fat most of my life, and I'm truly not ashamed of it. Yeah, at times, I wish I was thinner, but then I think of all the lessons and experiences I would have missed out on if I were a skinny chick. I thank God every day for makin' me who I am. There isn't another me, and there never will be. But, I didn't make this site to tell you just about me! On this site, you'll find stories, experiences, and jokes about being a fat young woman. Now you're probably wondering, "Isn't the word 'fat' offensive to you?". To be honest, it used to be, but I have since developed a pretty thick skin, and I now say the word 'fat' with pride. Why try to be something you're not? I could use the word chunky, obese, hefty, plump, or fluffy, but I don't because I am not any of those things. I AM FAT! No getting around that issue! So, if YOU find that word offensive, tough. I use it and I use it liberally. Through this site, I hope you'll learn to walk in my shoes as well as the hundreds of other fat girls around the world. It isn't always easy being me, but hey, it's the only me I've got. I hope this site opens your eyes to the trial and tribulations of the fat adolescent world. And I hope you'll help me fight the discrimination against people like me......FAT!

