**ShOuTs OuTs**~~~> Summer~We Are Radical Republicans!...Katelyn~Boo Boo's Teeny open for business 247...Ashley~ My sis sniffs SPEED...STICK haha ...Jacquelyn~ Harry Potter asked us out! eekk!...Reed~ i love you so much! your the coolest guy i know!...Chase~ Most pimpinest 7th grader around...Emily N Hilary~ Come back to Houston...Stephanie~ BEAR-keddettes rock...**MoRe ShOuT OuTs**~~~>Matt~ Spanish rats are swell...Lizzie~ I'll Be your friend...Julie~ Your so Sexy...Shannon~ My sexy bus ridin friend...Rachel~ Me llama es Jack el Ripper...Karlie~ Your a Lioness! grr!...Haley~ your the coolest!...You...Here...

~*^# hElLo FrIeNd #^*~

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Have A Swell Day!

~*^# WeLcOmE #^*~

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Hello there~ i hope u enjoy my website!! it may not be really cool rite now but it will be the BEST in a couple of months!! keep checking back to see the winners of the contests!

~*^# My JoUrNaL ThInG#^*~

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Coming Soon!

~*^# AlL AbOuT Me #^*~

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*Name~ Brittney
*Sex~ Female
*Home~ H*Town
*Fav Food~ Chile con Queso, French Fries, and Anything else thats salty!!
*Fav Hobbies~ Dancing, Color Guard, swimming,and Acting!
*Fav color~ Hot Pink and Neon Orange
*Fav bands~ Sum 41, Blink 182, NFG, Mest, Hoobastank,Janet Jackson

~*^# ToPiC oF dA WeEk #^*~

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***WhAt iS tHe ScArIeSt ThInG iN tHe WoRlD***

When poo chases you in a hottub. - Brittney.
A rabbit on drugs. - Jacquelyn.

~*^# KeWl LiNkS #^*~

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Here are some neato sites i thought yall might like!
ClIcK HeRe!!

~*^# SoMe StUfF 2 Do #^*~

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ClIcK HeRe!!

**NeAt PiCtUrEs**
ClIcK HeRe!!

**AwEsOmE BaCkGrOuNdS**
ClIcK HeRe!!

**CoOl AwAy MeSsAgEs**
ClIcK HeRe!!

**ChAt WiTh Me LiVe NoW!!**~~>

**AwEsOmEsT PoLlZ**~~>
Wowzers.....wuz dat fun or what?! Do u wanna take MORE Pollz?!
ClIcK HeRe!!

** Tell Yo BuDs BoUt My SiTe!!**~~>
TeLl Yo FrIeNdS!
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Yo EmAiL:

Yo BuDs EmAiL:

AnY CoMmEnTs:

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** My GuEsTbOoK!!**~~>
**My FoRuM!!**~~>

**ChAt With Me NoW!!**~~>

~*^# Here's a thanks 2... #^*~

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