[we're renovating.... so bear with us:)
i'm less than thrilled with the current appearance]

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curious??? then read my guestbook, and if you have any questions...comments....concerns...or urges to express opinions...
then sign it too:)

been writting more in the live journal lately... i feel like people respond more to that.. i'm going to have to find a more exciting theme to this web page.. because i don't feel that everyone is really that interested in me.. we'll see.. maybe i'll just put opinions up and see what everyone says.. i donno... have yet to decide...
but i'm working on putting pictures up


happy now:) added a couple pix:)


not so happy... no.. not really...

what do you think when you look at that???

a picture from peter that's enough to make me very jealous of his courage...

this website is in need of some serious renovation... i should get on that...


friendship is a lot harder than it looks.. and anyone who says otherwise.. is just not being honest...


i've decided that to fit into a stereotype... just isn't worth it... i've always thought that if you dress one way.. you listen to that kind of music.. and speak those words... and since i never really fell into one specific one, i felt like i didn't have a place.. or that if i didn't fit in anywhere.. and if i ever did, it was only for a short while, because i felt myself wandering away... so my decision is that i'm not going to fall into any category.. or listen to the type of music my clothes depict... or use the slang that a "hippie" or "punk" would use.. or let Abercrombie and Fitch tell me what matches, or what's "in"... because if they all dress like eachother.. then the flair for individuality is gone... so i'm going to dress how i feel that day... play whatever music i want.. and mix and match as i please.. it's not like i've never done this before.. but i'm just now stating that i'm finally ok with that...

no label.. just me:)


second sitting with the triscuit box... status? gone..


well.. i out one up there.. so i hope you make use of it:)

since emma requested i talk more about friends from home, i figured i'd inform the public.. this break was nice because i did get to see a lot of people i haven't seen in a while.. emma's home from santa cruz, which was a nice suprise. i don't get to see her enough. lots of high school friends made appearances into my days: alyson, kathleen (my chipper), terri, caitlin, shelley, morgan, sam, charlotte, jensen.. i could go on.. i hope they're all doing well.. i don't get to talk to them enough either:(
the groton dunstable crew is still all there.. got to see a bunch of kids i haven't been in touch with in a while: liam, trent, james, jason, justin(who claims i turned crusader.. for those of you who are wondering.. it's just not true.. i will always be a trojan), jennyjen, matt, usta, cp.. even got to say hello to jodi:) and chris, ania, alexandra... i really did make the rounds this break.. so i guess it was better than i give it credit for. going home isn't as bad as i make it out to be.. i just miss my bed when i leave here.. i think that's it.. my super awesome bed..and cozy room.. yea.. that's it


back at wheaton:) yay!

i don't know how many people know this.. but on the top of the triscuit box it says "not for nibblers". i would just like to add my opinion on the subject and say this is very true.. i just nearly finished the box without noticing. i recommend triscuits for a great afternoon snack.. but if you're a nibbler/picker like me.. be aware that you might eat more than you had planned.

all in all, break was alright.. i made it through.. quite a few setbacks.. but.. i guess that always comes along with family holidays and college breaks...

for those of you that are curious.. i'm working on the photo gallery.. i promise

also, i think i would like some feedback on my mindless little site here.. so i'm working on a guestbook (it'll be up whenever i actually sit down and take the time to do it) but for now.. email is always welcome:)


i'm home... harvard... sitting in from of daddy's new mac... fun stuff i guess..

tomorrow looks like a fun filled day... looking forward to it...
was just watching a video that a few friends of mine made from random summer footage.. i missed it all.. working in mass at the pool instead of going to vinalhaven.. made me sad... as you get older.. i feel like friendships are more effort.. you move further apart... and you just keep meeting more and more people... i don't know how big my plate is.. i don't want anyone to fall off... but sometimes.. you gotta make room.. is that true? can they sit on top of eachother like a big mound of potatoes???

i wonder....

i think the one thing i hate about being at home is there are no roomates or other acquaintances to keep me from thinking too much.. i need you to be here... i don't like it when you're not here.. and i feel like i can't call you...

being at wheaton is almost one of my securities...

it is...


current music: everything fabulous... if that were possible

don't you just love it when the song engulfs you? i do.. sometimes the vocals actually send chills up my arm... man i love that
our boys were amazing on their show night at the loft. everyone loved listening to them sing. i wish i had pictures, but i didn't bring the digital with me.. i'll try to scan some in.

break starts tomorrow... thanksgiving.. i might see some kids i haven't seen in a long time.. i'm looking forward to it. it's always a suprise whenever i go home... always...

i'm working on making this site more interesting... maybe even flashy.. we'll see... just you wait

happy thanksgiving to all those i won't see..


first off.. i'd like to state that i eat WAY too much candy.. thanx in part to my aunt kandy.. but also to my mother.. i'm finishing a kitkat bar at the moment.

this weekend was a blast. we decided to join in on a wheaton function and go to the boston bash, a semi-formal dance that happened to be on a boat in boston harbor. check out just a few shots from before hand.

also i'd like to say that for any wheaton kids interested in hearing some good tunes.. tune into wccs (96.5) sunday's at eight for phish and chips, my dear friends josh and ted do such a great job.. you can watch them on webcam during the show too! it's quite exciting.. though i do think the webcam thing is a tad creepy.. but that's just my personal opinion..

first soccer game tomorrow.. wish me luck.. i'm going to need it.. the knee's already giving me a hard time.. it just never quits...


and it's done.. the teen years esta finito. seems strange to think that your childhood is in a way lost.. gone.. anyone who knows me would agree i'll always have the child in me.. but still.. i can't get away with nearly as much. no more excuses anymore... decisions actually mean something now.. strange to think about...

very strange...
almost to the point of bothersome...

though i had a super birthday.. breakfast with mom, dinner with dad, a new camera, a homemade cake, kick ass cards, a polish song, an english happy birthday to captain tomato, and the BEST gifts i've ever gotten, i even got a disclaimer!!! what do you know.. it was perfect.. simply perfect..

on another note, there's a big dance tomorrow.. i actually have to wear a dress.. should be an interesting sight.. i'll try and take pictures. it'll be nice to be in boston for the night though. hope all goes well...


halloween weekend.. good times.. good times.. here's just a tiny taste i think i liked the secret agents the best.. cause they acted out their parts so well.. though.. ky and i kicked ass on the "court" or should i just call it our hall.

side note: believe it or not, it's my birthday tomorrow:)
and i have poison something on my face... how much does that suck? at least i'll be 20 with poison yuck.. and not 19 anymore.. who else agrees that 19 is an akward age? looking forward to being out of the teens.. though i think everyone would agree.. i'm still a teenager.. hehe


never thought it would get to this point… there’s always a point where you want to give up, you really do.. but you know.. that for the sake of everyone who knows you.. and for everything you do.. that you have to keep going.. some say there’s a choice… i beg to differ…bear and grin it…

as i read cousin atley’s weblog, i feel a little behind. this la blond already has his double majors picked out.. and i’m still reluctant to commit to my major and double minors. Which happen to be math, comp sci, and psych [side note: in no way am I degrading the la blond.. he’s much more intellectual than i’ll ever be.. sometimes i wonder who really grew up in the east and who grew up in/near the valley.. see.. i don’t even know where encino is.. silly me] i do miss him though.. the whole kasky section over there.. i do


the hair cut seems to be a hit. believe it or not.. i thought i'd care more about chopping so much off. oh wells... i'm having fun.

school has turned into a ball of suck. statistics class is a bore and calculus has turned into a lot of work.. ick.. but i gotta do it some time i guess.
last home volleyball game tonight. i hope my girls kick some wicked. i'd like them to go to five games. we'll see.

i need a job off campus
i need a car to get there
i need the money to buy the car
i need the job to make the money

what a vicious cycle we college students are forced to endure.


nuff' said


i'm less than thrilled...


T minus two days before the hair is on the floor.. I’m starting to get a little nervous.. here’s the cut I’m planning on.. found this pic on a link from cousin atley, and that's his friend leah from texas for those of you who think she's hot. I love reading his weblog. Much fun is had due to that kasky.

Aunt [and that’s aunt.. not ant for those of you who are confused to the max] Kandy is coming for the weekend, I haven’t seen her in forever, so that will be fun and exciting with hopes of relaxing.

not sure of other weekend plans, but i hope all goes well.. a girl can dream, can't she???


learned about josh's senior thesis tonight at dinner... defanitly exaclty what i wanted to hear... hehe...

mondays are just not my thing i don't think
no they just aren't
so today was a typical monday, nothing special, though i was completely less than thrilled with my stat class, completely. and i mean to the point of suprise, i mean we're at wheaton!!! have some common sense folks.

though i am listing to a great band right now.. check em out.. Big D and the Kids Table gotta love ska and punk:)

side note #1: i think the hair's coming off on saturday.. eeek!!! wish me luck

side note #2:my roomate, anna, just used her keen detective skills to figure out who's been harassing her on im.. turns out it was her 13 year old next door neighbor creeping us all out.. kinda makes you wanna laugh


gotta love boston!!!
went to bean town today with anna and mary beth. had a glorious time. i love what i call my home city, it's only a quick T ride away. we did some damage at my favorite store ever... urban outfitters!!!! checked out h&m too:) [i guess every girl has to act the part once in a while]

had a strange weekend otherwise... i think i'm doomed to experience those all too often...

the perks of being a college student who's not in tune with the rest


it's been a month... unbelievable..

there's a boy outside playing with devil sticks of fire..

i didn't know we had street performers at wheaton.. what do ya know...


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