

Act I Scene I


Bombast - Grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing  (15)

Forsooth - In truth; indeed. (21)

Gradation - A series of gradual, successive stages; a systematic progression (39)

Obsequious - Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning. (49)

Timorous - Full of apprehensiveness; timid. (79)

Grange - A granary.  (116)

Gondolier - One who propels a gondola.  (130)


Act I Scene II


Iniquity - Gross injustice, a wicked act or thing (5)

Promulgate - To make known by open declaration (25)

Circumscription - The state of being circumscribed; definition, delimitation (31)

Sequent – Consecutive, succeeding (49)

Siege – A seat of distinction  (26)


Act I Scene III


Facile - Easily accomplished or attained (30)

Injointed – (43)

Servitor - A male servant (48)

Engluts - (66)

Mountebanks - a person who sells quack medicines from a platform (73)

Portance - (157)


Act II. Scene I


Descry - To catch sight of (6)

Mortise - A hole, groove, or slot into or through which some other part of an arrangement of parts fits or passes (11)

Chidden - To speak out in angry or displeased rebuke (14)

Enchafed (19)

Designment – Plan, purpose (26)

Surfeited - To feed, supply, or give to surfeit (58)

Paragons – A model of excellence or perfection (72)

Knave - A boy servant (219)

Voluble - Easily rolling or turning (219)

Egregiously – Distinguished (252)


Act II. Scene II


Perdition - Utter destruction (2)



Act II Scene III


Alarum – A call to arms (23)

Potations – A usually alcoholic drink or brew (39)

Canakin – A small can or drinking vessel (53)

Devesting – To deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title (139)

Balmy – Having the qualities of balm, soothing (221)

Imperious – Commanding, dominant (226)


Act III. Scene I


Quillets – Niceties, verbal distinction (19)


Act III.Scene III.


Politic – Characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing (16)

Shrift – A remission of sins pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of reconciliation (28)

Mammering – Waver, hesitate (81)

Delations – Accuse, denounce (143)

Exsufflicate – (209)

Ocular – Done or perceived by the eye (407)

Imputation – The act of imputing, attribution (458)

Aspic – Asp (505)

Lewd – Evil, wicked (535)


Act III. Scene IV.


Edified – Build, establish (11)

Catechize – To instruct systematically especially by questions, answers, and explanations and corrections (12)

Sequester – To set apart (37)

Heraldry – The practice of devising, blazoning, and granting armorial insignia and of tracing and recording genealogies (45)

Beshrew – Curse (160)

Arraigning – To call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment (162)


Act IV. Scene I


Venial – Of a kind that can be remitted (14)

Encave – (90)

Fleers – To laugh or grimace in a coarse derisive manner, sneer(91)

Unbookish – Not inclined to rely on book knowledge (113)

Fitchew – Polecat, Any of several carnivorous mammals of the weasel family (147)

Plenteous – Fruitful, productive (171)

Expostulate – Discuss, examine (181)


Act IV. Scene II


Durst – Dare(15)

Procreant – Producing offspring (36)

Callat – (callet) Frivolous person (144)

Cogging – To cheat in throwing dice (157)

Cozening – To deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery (157)

Seamy – Having the rough side of the seam showing (172)

Daffest – (204)

Votarist – Votary, a sworn adherent (208)


Act IV. Scene III


Incontinent – Lacking self-restraint  (13)


Act V. Scene I


Quat – (13)

Restitution – An act of restoring or a condition of being restored: (17)

Gastness – Fright, terror (122)

Fordoes – To do away with (147)


Act V.Scene II


Relume – To light or light up again (15)

Portents – Something that foreshadows a coming event (53)

Affrighted – Frighten, alarm (121)

