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Saturday, September 22, 2001  | |  by: Larstait @ 3:57 P.M. EST
Updating is a long and strenuous activity that ruquires lots of attention, meticulous planing, maybe even before hand, and several hours. Mabe even days at a time. Give it time, and this site will become the next to ultimate internet junk yard.

Tuesday , September 11, 2001  | |  by: Samurai Andy @ 11:23 EST P.M.

GOOD LORD!! Hey its my first post, and probably my most useless post. Just so everyone knows, my name is -------, and i am going to be the man in charge of the upcuming anime section. Any ideas or suggestions can be sent to me at here. this is also my account for MSN messenger, but please, I don't want to talk to any retards. And don't mix me up with the andy from "Toy Story", and if you do, I know where you live... I am a bounty hunter... Eat sunofagun stew.. its good for ya!

Sunday, September 1, 2001 | |  By: Larstait @ 12:40am EST

Well.. I've been up all night, for three nights working like a dog to finish sections of this site. I have about 60% of Movies done. But yes, much more to go. I haven't started on Misc., Music, or Shows yet, but Stupid is about 50% done maybe.. Over all the site is 20% finished.
-=falls asleep=-

Wednesday, August 29, 2001 | |  By: Larstait @ 1:34pm EST

Well, this is test number one. And everything seems fine. After about an hour of work, I got the html layout for the home page (here) done right. Thank god! I'll add some stuff and create the links at the top(there not real right now), and update a lot tomorrow..

Wednesday 29, 2001 | |  By: M4Ch0 @ 1:00 A.M. EST

Hmmm. What did I do today? Oh, thats right ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Well thats how it goes when you know nothing about html but how to post an image. I should probably work on getting smarter but instead all i do is play Diablo II all the time. Well you know what they say "The lazy person gets nothing done" or something like that.

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