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Baptism by Parish

Baptism Date Birth Date
Surname Christian Names Father Mother Abode Profession Notes No.



Something very funny with this baptism register !

Entries 339 - 364 appear to be faintly crossed through with an unreadable margin note. These appear to be identical to 319-338. All recorded here for completeness.


02 January 1820 Ash Robert Joseph Mary Catcott Farmer 161

16 January 1820 Methuen Isaak William Susanna Catcott Labourer 162

06 February 1820 Coombs Francis Benjamin Hannah Catcott Farmer 163

13 February 1820 Cox Grace William Mary Catcott Farmer 164

13 February 1820 Hooper William William Joan Catcott Labourer 165

27 February 1820 Durston Alfred Robert Mary Catcott Labourer 166

05 March 1820 Pople William John Hester Catcott Labourer 167

05 March 1820 Ash James James Sarah Catcott Butcher 168

05 March 1820 Durston Tabitha William Sarah Catcott Labourer 169

11 March 1820 Thomas Mary Ann John Mary Catcott ? 170

12 March 1820 Alford Sarah Thomas Ruth Catcott Labourer 171

12 March 1820 Canon? Tabitha Matthew Sarah Catcott Labourer 172

02 April 1820 Arthur Elizabeth Joseph Ann Catcott Tailor? 173

16 April 1820 Durston Ann Joseph Sarah Catcott Labourer 174

17 April 1820 Durston Clement John Mary Catcott Shopkeeper 175

17 June 1820 Clare? Mary Eliza Samuel Ratchel? Glastonbury Draper 177

19 June 1820 ? Daniel Henry Sarah Catcott Farmer 176

24 June 1820 Jones Sarah John Ann Catcott Shopkeeper 178

02 July 1820 Puddy Elizabeth Robert Grace Catcott Baker 179

02 July 1820 Treloggen Mary Henry Mary Catcott Farmer 180

11 July 1820 Norris ? Gabriel ? Catcott Farmer 181

13 August 1820 Alford Charles Joseph Ann Catcott Labourer 182

11 September 1820 Pouch? Elizabeth Charles Mary Catcott Labourer 183

08 October 1820 Braddick Jack Norris John Jane Bath Bailiff 184

15 October 1820 Withell? Jane William Mary Catcott Labourer 185

15 October 1820 Hunt Jane Timothy Elizabeth Catcott Labourer 186

15 October 1820 Vale Thomas Thomas Anna Catcott Malster? 187

22 October 1820 Acreman Charles John Margaret Catcott Carpenter 188

11 November 1820 Treloggen Caroline Charles Elizabeth Catcott Farmer 189

11 November 1820 Norris ? Mary Benjamin Jane Catcott Labourer 190

05 December 1820 Gillan Eliza John Mary Catcott Labourer 191

26 December 1820 Durston Ezekiah ~~~~ House John Mary Catcott Labourer 192

31 January 1821 Cox Jane Charles Maria Catcott Labourer 193

04 February 1821 Patch? Harriet Charles Love Catcott Shoemaker 194

18 February 1821 Durston Harriet Benjamin Maria catcott Labourer 195

18 February 1821 Jones Jane William Elizabeth Catcott Labourer 196

11 March 1821 Canon? Eliza Thomas Jane Catcott Labourer 197

11 March 1821 Durston Charles Joseph Maria Catcott Labourer 198

15 March 1821 Rich George Thomas Maria Catcott Butcher 199

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